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Title 2011年臺德低碳城市論壇-城市永續發展經驗
Abstract 建構低碳城市是一項新的施政議題,透過國際間低碳技術交流合作,作為國內低碳城市推動政策,將有助於城市低碳化的形塑。而德國不論於再生能源開發利用、低碳社區與環保綠色城市之建設等佳績,是國際享譽的案例。本計畫辦理4場次城市論壇,邀請德國專家及國內專家學者及台灣4個低碳示範城市之地方政府代表等,透過論壇分享、座談互動與城市行銷經驗交流,以共同打造低碳城市新思維。
EngTitle 2011 Taiwan-Germany Low Carbon City Forum-Experience of Cities Sustainable Development
EngAbstract Through the exchange and sharing opportunities provided by these events we hope to advance mutual municipal marketing and promotion of their experiences, affording a platform for participation in international climate change and urban greenification exchanges, enhancing local municipal environmental policy strategies and ecological education initiatives, to jointly advance the conceptual vision for low carbon cities. By planning on conducting four City Forums, with participation from German experts as well as academic specialists in four cities and counties across Taiwan, in a combination symposium and mobile exhibition, to share the experiences of Hamburg, Germany, in realizing green ideals; to promote the concepts of municipal and urban renewal; through applied local experiences.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會