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Title 特殊性毒性化學物質中及環境用藥禁止含有之成分檢測技術建立
Abstract 本計畫為行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所委託本公司執行的單一實驗室方法開發,主要目的為建立特殊性毒性化學物質及環境用藥禁止含有之成分的檢測方法。依各化學物質之物理及化學性質將其分類為六大類別,其中特殊性毒性化學物質有53 項(計畫目標47項),環境用藥禁止含有之成分有 46項(計畫目標43項),扣除四者重複者 (五氯酚鈉、五氯苯、十氯酮及聯胺,共4項) 共有95 項。本計畫完成上述環境用藥禁止含有之成分有 43項(氧化丙烯,仲甲醛未能執行),特殊性毒性化學物質有49 項(氰胺化鈣,三乙酸基,N-亞硝-正-甲脲,溴乙烯未能執行),以及另外59項特殊性毒性化學物質之國內外相關文獻資料的蒐集整理。另外,依照環檢所之規定內容,完成環境用藥禁止含有之成分五種不同基質測試,毒性化學物質真實採樣九件,樣品添加八件,撰寫列管特殊性毒性化學物質檢測方法草案3篇及環境用藥禁止含有之成分檢測方法草案2篇,以協助標準方法之制定與修訂。
EngTitle Analytical method establishment of toxic and environmrnt sanitation prohibited substances
EngAbstract The main purpose of this project is to develop methods and verification in single laboratory for 47 toxic substances in industrial wastes as well as 43 environmental sanitation prohibited substances. Sinetics Intrenational is the contractor of this project. In order to comprehend this project, 53 toxic substances in industrial wastes as well as 46 environmental sanitation prohibited substances all together 95 chemical substances (four redundant substances includessodium pentachlorophenate, pentachlorobenzene, chlorodecone and hydrazine) were collected and analyzed. These 95 organic substances had been classified into 6 groups based on their physical and chemical property information from literature review of related references. Based on the template of the public listed test methods of the toxic substances and environmental sanitation prohibited substances, the sample preparation and test methods for 49 toxic chemical compounds and 43 environmental sanitation prohibited substances had been adopted, modified, developed, tested and verified from current methods and newly created methods. Three drafts of the toxic substances and two drafts of environmental sanitation prohibited substances has been proposed.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司