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Title 「彰化縣洋子厝溪流域人工濕地生態淨水系統及舊濁水溪流域污染削減處理設施之操作維護管理計畫」
Abstract 彰化縣環境保護局為改善彰化縣境內的水體,分別於舊濁水溪流域與洋子厝溪流域設置以自然生態技術為處理程序的現地處理設施。本計畫主要目的為持續維護管理已興建完成2場址-彰化縣洋子厝溪流域人工濕地生態淨水系統(以下簡稱南勢場址)及舊濁水溪流域污染削減處理設施(以下簡稱溪湖場址)之水質改善,並維持設施持續運作,提升場址水質淨化成效,強化鄰近社區民眾水污染防治及水資源保護觀念,提供彰化縣民眾清淨好水的環境。其主要成果如下:(一) 完成每月1次水質採樣分析,並進行水質淨化績效評析,包括南勢場址2處、溪湖場址7處,共計5次。(二) 完成1次南勢場址全區底泥沉積量評估及清理。(三) 完成3次溪湖場址淨化渠道維護。(四) 舉辦1場次教育宣導活動。(五) 製作宣導用品300份。(六) 維護2場址之宣導網頁。(七) 提供租賃車輛1部,共計90日。(八) 每月維護1次舊濁水溪監視系統,共計5次。(九) 修正2場址之操作維護管理手冊。
EngTitle Management and Operation Project for Yangzaicuo River Basin Constructed Wetland & Jioujhuoshuei River Basin Pollution Reduction Facility
EngAbstract Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Changhua County conducted this project for continuing operation and maintenance of Yangzaicuo River Basin Constructed Wetland (Nan-Shih site) and Jioujhuoshuei River Basin pollution reduction facility (Xi-Hu site) The purpose is to keep their normal performance in wastewater treatment, improve water quality of bodies of receiving water, enhance the additional benefits on environmental education and landscape esthetics, raisins public awareness on water pollution control and water resource conservation, and provide a good water environment for people in Changhua county. Several tasks have been accomplished as follows:A. Monthly sample collection for water analysis from the two sites for evaluating the effectiveness of water treatment performance.B. Removing and disposing the pre-settled sludge and estimating its formation amount in Nan-Shih site.C. Maintain facility in Xi-Hu site three times.D. Exhibit an educational campain activity.E. Provide 300 gifts for campaign activity.F. Provide a rental car for 90 days.G. Maintain both websites of Nan-Shih and Xi-Hu site.H. Maintain monitoring system monthly in the Jioujhuoshuei River coast.I. Revising the operation and maintenance guidelines.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉南藥理科技大學