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Title 環境影響評估景觀美質評估技術規範推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫透過回顧景觀評估相關文獻與分類範疇及界定操作方法,收集英美加三國景觀美質評估機制,並檢視近三年來各類型環評計畫中景觀美質評估之操作模式檢視,後續透過五場會議,廣泛收集景觀相關領域專家學者與業界意見,進行景觀美質評估技術規範(草案)之建立,並研擬出景觀美質評估作業操作方法,利用此操作方法進行六項示範案例之操作,確立操作步驟之可行性與進行適度的調整及修正,並嘗試加入景觀變化程度之計算與加入民眾參與機制,減少以往景觀評估主觀性過高之爭議,可使景觀美質評估之執行成效更能適地適性。
EngTitle The plan of Landscape Assessment Guidelines under Environment Impact assessment
EngAbstract This project is a basic research of the “Landscape Assessment Guidelines” (draft). This plan reviewed landscape assessment relevant literature, which included landscape aesthetic theories, landscape types, and standards of operation from British, American, and Canadian scenic beauty assessment mechanism. Furthermore, we examined the operating modes and contents of different types of domestic Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) plans in the past three years. We also conducted five consult meetings to collect opinions of landscape scholars and experts. Finally, six landscape impact assessment case studies were demonstrated to adjust and modify the procedures of the technique regulation. The results proposed to evaluate the degree of landscape changes and to reinforce public participation to reduce subjective landscape assessment controversy. The landscape assessment is becoming more appropriate, adaptive and effective to implement.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國景觀學會