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Title 南部地區河川污染整治與水質改善策略規劃及執行計畫
Abstract 本計畫延續行政院環保署99年「南部地區河川污染整治推動、輔導及評析計畫」,持續分析南部八縣市轄區內5大重點河川(急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河)每月水質定檢成果,並進行2次支流排水補充調查,以檢討其分年分期整治成效。此外,本計畫亦邀請重點河川流域內相關單位進行多次跨局處河川污染整治協調會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,共同為河川污染整治努力。除5大重點河川流域外,本計畫亦針對南部八縣市優先整治河川(澎湖縣以水庫為主)之水質改善計畫及未來4年整治目標進行滾動式管理,並協助環保署及縣市政府進行河川環境績效指標評鑑,藉由評鑑成果瞭解各縣市政府於河川污染整治計畫執行進度及推動成效。政府行政管理及相關整治策略訂定為河川污染整治相當重要之一環,然民眾參與亦可為河川整治提供相當大之助益。爰此,本計畫於二仁溪太爺溼地舉辦一場次河川環境教育宣導活動,藉由舉辦活動讓民眾瞭解河川污染整治之成效,並增加民眾參與河川整治之意願,冀望達到河川「不缺氧、不發臭及水岸活化」之最終目標。
EngTitle Strategy Planning and Implementation of River Rehabilitation and Water Quality Improvement in Southe
EngAbstract This project is the continuing action of “Implementation, Assistance and Evaluation Project on River Pollution Control in Southern Taiwan, 2009,” sponsored by the Taiwan EPA. In order to review the treatment effect by stages, water quality of five major rivers and their tributaries was analyzed each month, including Ji-Shuei River, Yan-Shuei River, Er-Jen River, A-Gung-Dian River, and Love River. In addition, related government units were invited to join the coordination conferences for many times so that they can come up with effective strategies of river rehabilitation through united efforts. In terms of water quality improvement of the “priority rivers”(mainly the reservoir in Penghu county) in southern Taiwan and the treatment target during the next four years, rolling managerial philosophy was utilized. Moreover, we assisted the EPA and local environmental protection bureaus (EPB) to complete the river evaluation, which results can help to understand the degree of the process and the promotion effect. It is quite important for government to draw up strategies of the river restoration and efficient administrative management. Yet, the public participation can also provide a huge benefit. As such, a garden party in Taiye Wetland near Er-Jen River to promote the public understanding and participation in river restoration and improvement was held in Jiayi so that the ultimate goal “no oxygen deficiency, no odor problem and waterfront activation”, can eventually be achieved.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 京華工程顧問股份有限公司