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Title 低碳永續家園資訊網維護管理專案工作計畫
Abstract   低碳永續家園建構工作涉及能源、建築、交通、環保等跨及不同專業領域的技術與設備且需各級政府部門、公民營企業、各社團團體與民眾的共同參與。因此建置即時、有效的資訊溝通與資源交換平台,利用各參與者瞭解運作內涵、擔負角色與能發揮的功能,是整體橫向與縱向運作的關鍵。據此,環保署101年開始建置「低碳永續家園資訊網」,作為資訊整合及交流之平台。  本年度除持續維護管理「低碳永續家園資訊網」,已完成響應式網頁建置及10大運作機能頁面改版,同時以複式串流方式連結各網頁及功能,滾動式修正與新增強化各項功能,並針對不同使用者提升使用友善度。另因應專案撰寫格式簡化,彙整新舊對照表並進行新舊資料轉換,撰寫方式也依循改版,並請提案者認證專案內容。同時配合認證評等系統於103年7月開始整備測試,考量各類使用者之需求,執行過程持續檢討認證評等系統,完備成果審查功能與成果展現介面。 為了使計畫填報更為順暢,並利管理者於管制考核系統取得更多資訊,亦將管制考核系統進行友善度提升與擴充,提供環保署與地方承辦人員進行計畫考核與填報。本計畫也針對不同使用者完成系統平台教育訓練說明會,讓不同類型之使用者對低碳永續家園資訊網內之系統操作皆有一定了解。
EngTitle Low-carbon sustainable system maintenance and management work plan
EngAbstract The construction of a low carbon sustainable homeland involves the techniques and equipment from diverse professional fields, such as energy, construction, transportation, environmental protection, etc., and requires the joint participation of government agencies at all levels, public and private enterprises, associative groups, as well as the general public. Therefore, the key of a well-integrated operation would be building an immediate and effective platform for information communication and resource exchange that enables all of the participants to understand the whole operation, their roles and achievable contribution. The “Low Carbon Sustainable Information System” was established in 2012 as the platform for information integration and exchange.This year, we have completed the construction of responsive webpages and the revision of the top 10 operational performance webpages. Moreover, we used Duplex streaming to link each webpage and function, added rolling wave amendment, as well as other enhanced functions and improved the user-friendliness for different users.To cope with the simplification of project writing format, the team compiled a comparison table of both old and new tables, and carried out data conversion. We also used a revised writing format and required the proposer to supplement the contents.We started the preparation of testing the Certification Evaluation system in July 2014. We took all kinds of user needs into consideration and continued to review this system during the process of implementation, in the hope of fulfilling the outcome reviewing function and demonstration interfaces.To make the project reporting process smoother, and to enable the manager to receive more information at the controlling audit system, we have enhanced and upgraded the user-friendliness of the controlling audit system to facilitate the staff of the Environmental Protection Administration and local officers proceeding with the project audit and result submission.In addition, this project has organized system platform training seminars for different users to help them become acquainted with the operation of the Low Carbon Sustainable Information System.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司