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Title 103年四機買新汰舊抽獎活動專案工作計畫
Abstract 1.舉辦「四機買新汰舊抽獎活動」公開抽獎活動,規劃獎項及消費者登錄資料維護與聯繫作業。2.維護管理「汰舊換新‧4機而動」活動專屬網站及資料庫管理,進行活動訊息發布與網站行銷。3.運用廣播電台及地方有線系統台電視廣告託播,及通路巡迴活動進行政策宣傳與創造媒體效益。
EngTitle Renewal of the Four Household Appliances Lottory Program
EngAbstract In order to promote the recycling and reuse of the "Waste Four"(direlict TVs, Washing Machines, Refrigerators, and Air Conditioners), prevent some dealers from charging extra fees for recycling, and avoid environmental pollution caused by random abandoining or the "Waste Four", from 1st July 2011 onward, the EPA stipulated that all vendors of these four household appliances must provide their customers with a "Manifest for Recycling and Disposal Management", while informing customers of their rights and recycling the four appliances free of charge.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 奧蘭朵公關顧問有限公司