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Title 推動低碳永續家園認證-生態綠化項目之行動計畫
Abstract 本計畫就低碳永續家園認證—生態綠化面向,進行認證的審核、地方輔導與認證推動三項工作。藉由選拔優良執行單位、直接輔導社區綠化、以及深入地方舉辦推廣說明會的三個方式,建立低碳永續家園認證的工作流程與推廣。本計畫本年度主要的工作目標:(1)收集國內外相關低碳與綠化指標,並提出相關的建議;(2)提出低碳永續家園認證生態綠化面向之工作項目的效能參考指標;(3)協助台東縣卑南鄉利吉村,完成低碳永續家園認證的調查與申請工作;(4)協助利吉村社區發展協會,在社區進行生態綠化面向之「推動安全島露台窗臺花卉綠美化」行動項目工作,達成年固碳191公斤的效果(5)完成了新竹縣、苗栗縣與宜蘭縣三個縣市的低碳永續家園—縣市級認證申請的審查;(6)舉辦3場次的社區生態綠化觀摩,邀請全國生態綠化社區的組織成員,超過120人次參與;(7)收集國內外生態綠化資料,上傳至「低碳永續家園資訊網」中,供民眾自由瀏覽參考。目前皆以完成階段性任務。
EngTitle .
EngAbstract This project mainly focuses on reviewing, counselling and authentication local action plan of “Green Ecology” of the Environmental Protection Agency. By promotion of Low Carbon Sustainable System to the local societies and introduction of procedures of authentication on Green Ecology project.This study has achieved the original missions on:1.Collecting reference of eco/low carbon information and indices and making some suggestions.2.To propose indices for authentication on green ecology project.3.To help Lichi village to apply for authentication on low carbon sustainable system.4.To help Lichi communication on green ecology project to upgrade the green ecological landscape and achieve carbon emission reduction for 191Kg annually.5.To review six counties’ application on low carbon sustainable project. Those six counties are Hsin-Chu County, Miao-li County, I-Lan County, New Taipei City, Taitung County, Chia-Yi County.6.To organize three meeting on demonstration and reviewing the achievements of promotion of green ecology project for more than 120 people.7.To provide information of green ecology and upload to the web site of Low Carbon Sustainable Information System.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 臺灣大學