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Title 102-103年度土壤及地下水污染事件應變調查、查證及技術支援工作計畫(102年度)
Abstract 本計畫為兩年度計畫。本(102)年度工作主要分為:(1)成立應變支援單位辦理緊急污染案件、(2)提供專業諮詢服務與技術支援工作等二大項目。本(102)年度合計完成17件次污染案件之應變工作,工作團隊皆可依交辦單位之要求配合協助,並完全遵照交辦單位要求之時程內,赴現場現勘、調查,且充分討論溝通規劃查證作業程序及內容。辦理之成效皆能符合合約及主管機關之要求,使主管機關能迅速掌握各場址污染特性與狀況。其中6案經本計畫調查檢測確認污染超過管制標準,超過管制標準之污染物為重金屬、總石油碳氫化合物或揮發性有機物,目前皆由環保局或相關單位配合辦理後續行政管制措施。工作團隊於計畫辦理期間,另提供相關專業技術實務經驗供主辦單位參考,專業技術支援內容涵蓋專業技術文獻資料蒐集彙整、污染調查規劃、及污染來源追蹤等。
EngTitle Investigation, Inspection and Technical Support for the Soil and Groundwater Contamination Project
EngAbstract In 2013, the major tasks of this two-year’s project were to establish a response team that assisted EPA to investigate the incidents of soil and groundwater pollution and provide professional consulting service and technical support.This year, the response team had investigated 17 incidents of soil or groundwater pollution. The tasks for each polluted site included site survey, soil or groundwater investigation, pollution evaluation, source identification, and others requested by EPA. The performance of all tasks met EPA’s requirements. In this project, there were 6 sites that the soil or groundwater pollutant concentrations exceeded the pollution control standards. Major pollutants included heavy metals, volatile organic chemicals, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. At present, local EPBs or related government agencies are conducting administrative control measures.The project also provided technical support according to EPA’s requirements, which included technical documents gathering, pollution source identification, feasibility study, etc.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 台境企業股份有限公司