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Title 102年臺南市低碳永續家園行動項目執行計畫
Abstract 本計畫為臺南市低碳永續家園行動項目執行計畫,工作內容包括低碳社區輔導改善、古蹟燈光照明節能改善、校園燈光照明節能改善、低碳廟宇等四項工作,推動成果摘要如下:(一)低碳社區輔導改善成果為達成住宅建築物節能減碳績效與低碳城市之轉型目標,本計畫配合臺南市政府環境保護局遴選18處本市轄內具代表性之社區,進行電能管理、照明設備節能效益改善、空調設備節能效益改善、資源再用(乾電池再充電)、節約用水及其他相關硬體設施汰換等輔導改善工作;另辦理宣導、講習、說明會、座談會等工作,以提升低碳社區推動成效。本計畫共輔導18處低碳社區,總減碳量571公噸/年,節費金額4,423,098元/年。以本年度投資成本6,880,980元計算,回收年限1.5年。(二)古蹟燈光照明節能改善成果為落實辦理汰換老舊耗能設施為高效率節能設備,本計畫配合臺南市政府文化局完成11 處示範古蹟進行節能燈具之改善,將古蹟之展場、公廁等區域之耗能燈具汰換為節能燈具,以具體達成節省用電量、減少碳排放量及形象改造,以打造臺南低碳家園。本計畫共完成11處古蹟燈光照明節能改善,減碳量60公噸/年,節省電費511,628元/年,以本年度投資成本4,180,000元計算,回收年限8.1年。(三)校園燈光照明節能改善成果為達到校園燈光照明節能改善之目標,本計畫配合臺南市政府教育局指定1 處本市轄內具代表性之校園,進行燈光照明設備汰換為節能燈具。本計畫輔導改善成效為減碳量18公噸/年,節省電費135,780元/年,以本年度投資成本460,000元計算,回收年限約3.3年。(四)低碳廟宇推動成果基於環保及節約能源之理念,本計畫配合臺南市政府民政局之規劃,協助辦理輔導宗教團體將傳統耗能燈具汰換成LED 燈或其他高效率節能燈具。本計畫共輔導27間廟宇,減碳量58公噸/年,節省電費439,586元/年,以本年度投資成本843,991元計算,回收年限1.9年。(五)總效益本計畫進行之低碳社區輔導改善、古蹟燈光照明節能改善、校園燈光照明節能改善及低碳廟宇輔導改善等工作,獲得總減碳量707公噸、每年節省電費可達5,510,092元等效益。
EngTitle The action plans implementing project of low-carbon sustainable homeland in Tainan City
EngAbstract This project is the action plans implementing project of low-carbon sustainable homeland of Tainan City and includes 4 items that are “the counselling and improving of low-carbon communities”, “the lighting improving of historical sites”, “the lighting improving of schools”, and “the low-carbon temples”. The achievements of this project are as the following:1. Counselling and improving of low-carbon communities: For achieving the energy saving performance of resident buildings and the transformation of low-carbon city, this project coordinated with Environmental protection bureau of Tainan City Government and selected 18 representative communities to implement counselling and improving the electric power management, energy efficiency of lighting equipment, energy efficiency of air-conditioning equipment, waste resources reusing (dry batteries reusing), water saving equipment, and the other related hardware replacement. Another, this project also executed advocating, seminars, explaining conference, and symposiums to improve the performance of low-carbon communities implementation. The achievements of 18 low-carbon communities this project counselled included total carbon reducing 571 ton/year, money saving NTD 4,423,098 dollars, and the recycling time 1.5 year based on the investment NTD 6,880,980 dollars this year (2013). 2. Improving the lighting equipment energy performance of historical sites: For replacing the old and high energy consuming equipment by the high efficiency and energy saving ones, this project coordinated with Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government and improved the lighting equipment of 11 representative historical sites. We replaced the lighting equipment fixed in exhibition areas and public toilets of the historical sites by energy saving ones and achieved the improving effects including saving electric consumption, reducing carbon emission, promoting the city image, and establishing the low-carbon homeland of Tainan City. The achievements of 11 historical sites this project improved included total carbon reducing 60 ton/year, money saving NTD 511,628 dollars, and the recycling time 8.1 year based on the investment NTD 4,180,000 dollars this year (2013).3. Improving the lighting equipment energy performance of a designated schools:For achieving the goal of lighting equipment replacing by energy saving ones, this project coordinated with Education Bureau of Tainan City Government and replaced the lighting equipment of a school designated by Education Bureau with energy saving ones. The achievements of the designated school this project improved included total carbon reducing 18 ton/year, money saving NTD 135,780dollars, and the recycling time 3.3 year based on the investment NTD 460,000 dollars this year (2013).4. Implementing the low-carbon temples: For the reason of environmental protection and energy saving, this project coordinated with Civil Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government and counselled 27 religions (temples) to replace the traditional and high energy consuming lighting equipment by LEDs or other high energy efficiency lights. The achievements of 27 temples this project counselled included total carbon reducing 58 ton/year, money saving NTD 439,586 dollars, and the recycling time 1.9 year based on the investment NTD 843,991 dollars this year (2013). 5. The achievements of this project: The achievements of this project were: (1) Total carbon reducing was 707 ton/year; (2) money saving was NTD 5,510,092 dollars per year after finished 4 work items including “the counselling and improving of low-carbon communities”, “the lighting improving of historical sites”, “the lighting improving of schools”, and “the low-carbon temples”.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 臺南市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司