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Title 102年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫期末報告
Abstract (一) 到站柴油車全負載檢測數為3,638輛次,其目標達成121.3%。(二) 執行目視判煙稽查32,488輛次,計畫目標達108.3%。(三) 執行目測判煙通知2,588輛,計畫目標達103.5%。(四) 車牌辨識系統達成40,300輛次,目標達成100.7%。(五) 路邊攔車目視判煙篩選車輛數達4,452輛次,目標達成371%。(六) 路邊排煙稽查採嚴格篩選機制,共檢測528輛次不合格314輛次,檢測不合格率59.4%,工作進度達成率為104.7%。(七) 到站檢測車輛抽驗油品採40件及路邊攔查採樣60件,共計100件,工作進度達100%。(八) 完成相關性測試比對結果得知臺南市排煙站與鄰近雲林縣及嘉義縣市檢測站間相關性良好。 (九) 完成品保次數15次,檢測值皆落在管制上下限內,顯示排煙站測試能力及檢驗品質皆屬正常。(十) 102年1月完成柳營新站搬遷。(十一) 喜樹站4月取得TAF實驗室認證資格,柳營站12月取得TAF實驗室認證資格。(十二) 完成1,000份宣導品購置。(十三) 完成5則新聞刊登,目標達成125%。(十四) 完成5家客貨運業者加入自主管理輔導,共計有122輛車輛加入領取自主管理證,目標達成100%。(十五) 完成每季品保品管資料提報。
EngTitle Plan for dynamometer testing of diesel-fueled vehicle exhausts and the consultation and assessment of exhaust improvement and maintenance garage
EngAbstract (一) On-site station testing of full load diesel-fueled vehicle is 3,638 vehicle-times with an achievement rate of 121.3%。(二) Inspection for visual identification of discharged smoke is 32,488 vehicle-times with achievement rate of 108.3%。(三) Notification for visual identification of discharged smoke is 2,588 vehicle-times with achievement rate of 103.5%。(四) Achievement of license plate recognition is 40,300 vehicle-times with rate of 100.7%。(五) Roadside inspection for visual identification of discharged smoke to screen vehicle is 4452 vehicle-times with achievement rate of 371%。(六) Roadside inspection for visual identification of discharged smoke based on rigorously screening mechanism found 314 failed in 528 vehicle-times with failure rate of 59.4%, and work progress achievement rate of 104.7%。(七) On-site station inspection and roadside inspection of vehicles by sampling diesel fuel 40 and 100 cases in total of 60 samples with work progress rate of 100%。(八) The comparison results after completion of correlation test shows good correlation between Tainan diesel vehicle emission inspection station and the neighboring Chiayi and Yunlin inspection stations。(九) Completion of 15 times of quality assurance with detection value in upper and lower limit shows that emission inspection station has normal inspection capability and inspection quality。(十) Liuying new station completed its relocation on Jan., 2013。(十一) Hsishu station was qualified by TAF Lab accreditation on Apr. Liuying station was assessed by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation on Sept。(十二) Completion of one propaganda press conference for praising eco-driving contest。(十三) Completion of procurement of 1,000 informational materials。(十四) Completion of 5 news published with achievement rate of 125%。(十五) Completion of 5 passenger/cargo vehicle companies involved in the guidance of autonomous management totaling 122 vehicles to join and receive autonomous management certificates with achievement rate of 100%。(十六) Completion for notice of quality assurance and quality control data per quarter。
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 臺南市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司