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Title 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動監測計畫(中區)
Abstract 計畫針對中臺灣等10站一般監測站進行每三天一次手動細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測,其監測站分別為竹東站、新竹、苗栗、三義、忠明、豐原、南投、彰化、斗六及金門等站,計畫執行時間為101年11月7日起至103年11月6日。計畫執行期間合計應執行2360站次監測,實際完成2267站次監測,監測完成率為96.1 %,未採樣數為92站次,採樣不符合品保規範樣數為39站次,另因採樣器異常而導致採樣失敗者計53站次,監測結果與自動測站結果比對,測站回歸方程式之斜率介於0.8744~1.0799,而R2值介於0.9207~0.9768。
EngTitle The Monitoring Of Fine Suspended Particulate(PM2.5) in the Central
EngAbstract We monitored the PM2.5 by manual method in ten monitoring stations in central Taiwan. These ten stations are Zhudong, Hsinchu, Miaoli , Sanyi , Zhongming , Fengyuan, Nantou , Changhua , Douliou and Kinmen. Each station has been conducted once every three days during the period of Nov.7, 2012 to Nov.6, 2014.There had been 2360 samples should be accomplished. In the end, 2267 samples were available, and the rate of total completion was 96.1 %. The monitoring results by manual methods compared to automatic stations, which showed the slope of the regression equation is during 0.8744 to 1.0799, and R2 values range from 0.9207 to 0.9768.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 上準環境科技股份有限公司