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Title 工業區智慧型空氣污染辨識系統建置計畫
Abstract 受桃園縣環保局委託進行桃園縣觀音工業區智慧型空氣污染辨識系統建置,於遠東新世紀股份有限公司架設,藉由本辨識系統結合地方測站資料分析,以初步掌握污染源與地方測站濃度之相關性,並篩選主要可疑污染排放煙道8家及其排放情形,提供給環保局稽查相關人員佐證紀錄與該煙道所屬廠家名單,以利進行稽查程序。此外配合環保局稽查管制成效顯示本年度(2014)SO2和PM10平均濃度值,相較於以往(2011-2013)之平均濃度值分別約下降26%和34%。顯示本辨識系統結合稽查管制可有效遏止不肖廠商惡意排放污染物質,並改善工業區周遭的空氣品質。
EngTitle An intelligent air pollution recognizing system for the industrial park
EngAbstract The main purpose of this project is to detect the dense smokes from some factories in Kuang-In industrial park. Thus, an intelligent recognition system is designed to detect the air pollution by image recognizing and 3-D laser technology. The device of this system is placed in the building of the Far Eastern New Century Company. This system combines the analyzed results of local stations to identify the location of the pollution. Moreover, eight suspicious companies which made the dense smokes are recognized and the degree of smoke pollution is also recorded to help the inspector to identify the illegal company. The experiment results demonstrator that the average percentages of SO2 and PM10 in 2014 are reduced 26% and 34%, respectively. It also shows that the designed system can warn suspicious companies to reduce their air pollution.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 桃園市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究所