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Title 103年雲林縣虎尾鎮農地監督驗證計畫
Abstract 截至期中報告(103年11月30日),本計畫完成之工作說明如下:(1) 規劃撰寫並提交「農地監督驗證計畫書」。(2) 建立「農地管理巡查制度」,並進行現場巡查。(3) 完成各項農地改善工作之監督,說明如下:A. 改善前細密調查(103年8月14日至27日)監督作業。B. 虎尾鎮農地污染改善計畫之地方說明會(103年9月5日)監督作業。C. 土壤細密調查(103年9月12日)監督作業。D. 農地改善鑑界(103年9月25日)監督作業。E. 農地污染改善(103年10月23日至11月30日)監督作業。(4) 提交環保新聞宣導1則。(5) 其他行政配合事項之執行:包括紀錄片之拍攝、各項會議之參加、每月月報提交及環保局臨時交辦事項等。
EngAbstract As at mid-term report (November 30, 2014), the contents of the project were completed as follows:1. Planning write and submit the project book.2. The establishment of a patrolling management job of contaminated farmland and conduct on-site inspections.3. The following work have been achieved in the project:(1) Supervision of detailed investigation on contaminated farmland from August 14 to 27.(2) Supervision of local briefing session on September 5.(3) Supervision of detailed contaminated farmland survey on September 12.(4) Identification of farmland boundaries on September 25.(5) Supervision of improvement of contaminated farmland from October 23 to November 30 by the construction contractor.4. Submit an environmental advocacy news.5. Perform other administrative matters with the project. Including the shooting documentaries, attend the routine meeting and submit a monthly report and interim EPB assigned to such matters.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 百崴環境科技股份有限公司