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Title 103年度桃園縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫內容為進行桃園縣場址改善後之驗證調查、工業區預警系統地下水監測、監測井巡查及維護、列管場址之管理、監督作業、民眾陳情緊急應變工作及調查工作、法規宣導會及行政協助。場址改善後之驗證調查工作,已完成加油站場址4處,工廠3處。其中水美工程企業未通過,環保局已於103年10月13日公告為控制場址;全國八德交流道加油站經驗證未通過,本場址改善期程已展延到期,將改列為控制場址。其他5處則已公告解除列管。工業區預警系統地下水監測工作,針對大園、觀音、中壢、平鎮、幼獅等5個工業區、51口預警系統監測井,已執行枯水期及豐水期採樣作業地下水採樣調查工作。監測井巡查與維護,全年度完成346口次巡查作業。完成合約須求數量,監測井外觀維護工作13口,監測井之井體設施修復7口,監測井內部功能維護25口,再次完井內部維護作業13口,監測井異物排除5口,廢井作業完成5口。緊急應變工作部分,共計執行20處、24件之調查工作。辦理8場次法規說明會,總計參與人次達880人次。辦理7場次教育訓練,總計參與人數105人次。績效考評指標及因應對策,根據土壤及地下水管理資訊系統線上績效分數顯示,目前桃園縣可預估分數為93.41分,另尚有5分為綜合評量。
EngAbstract The tasks of this project consisted of verification of site remediation, groundwater monitoring wells sampling of warning system in industrial area, inspection and maintenance of monitoring wells, management and supervision of control sites, emergency response to the public petition, regulatory advocacy workshops and other administration support. On verification of site remediation, 4 gas stations and 3 factories has been completed. Only Super Max Engineering Enterprise Co., Limited did not pass, the penalty will be announced according to relevant “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”. Taoyuan EPB announced Super Max Engineering Enterprise Co., Limited as Control Site at 13th November 2014. The other 5 sites removed from the control list.The groundwater monitoring wells sampling of warning system in 5 industrial areas (Dayuan, Kuanyin, Chungli, Pingjhen and Youth). Total sample 51 monitoring wells in dry and wet seasons.346 monitoring wells were inspected this year. 13 monitoring wells has been maintenance. 7 monitoring wells have been repaired. 25 monitoring wells have been done for functional maintenance. 13 monitoring wells have been completion. 5 monitoring wells have been abandoned. 20 emergency response cases and 24 investigation duties were done. 8 regulatory advocacy workshops were held and total 880 people participated. 7 training courses were held and total 105 people participated. According to Soil and Groundwater Information Management System, the performance evaluation index is 93.41, and another 5 points for total evaluation.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 桃園市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司