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Title 永續發展政策研析與公民參與專案工作計畫
Abstract 永續發展(Sustainable development),最廣為人知的定義為「能滿足當代需求,同時不損及未來世代滿足其需要的發展」。本專案計畫目標為透過永續發展政策的行銷宣傳,促使社會大眾瞭解我國永續發展施政之現況與成效,並強化民眾共同參與永續發展工作。本專案計畫工作內容包括五大項:(一)製作動態影片及播放:三支長度為三分鐘,以「永續的環境」、「永續的經濟」及「永續的社會」為主題之影片拍攝及製作,並安排於新聞媒體露出。(二)製作永續發展宣傳品:包括「永續發展」、「永續的環境」、「永續的經濟」及「永續的社會」之理念及推動回顧與成果介紹等四類摺頁。(三)強化永續會英文網站內容。(四)辦理八場次永續發展成功案例之觀摩學習研討。(五)舉辦兩場次「永續發展專家論壇」及全國版報紙露出。透過整合行銷手法,結合跨媒體通路(電視、報紙、文宣品等)、英文網站、成功案例之觀摩學習研討、專家論壇及網路影音之宣傳,於臺灣及海外打造環環相扣的整合行銷平台,以達成公民參與永續發展之目的。本專案計畫於執行期間,相關行銷議題有效觸及625萬人次以上。
EngTitle Sustainability Policy Research and Analysis Project Work Plan and Citizen Participation
EngAbstract The most well-known definition of Sustainable Development is “satisfy the present and future at the same time.” The purposes of this project are to facilitate the public to understand the current situation and effectiveness of Taiwan’s sustainable development policies with media promotion and to encourage public participation.This project can be divided into five categories: (1) Video production and release: these three videos, whose duration is around three minutes, are themed “sustainable environment”, “sustainable environment” and “sustainable society” and will be released on media. (2) To publicity materials: to introduce the philosophy, past, present and future of “sustainable development”, “sustainable environment”, “sustainable environment” and “sustainable society”. (3) To add English content on National Sustainable Development Council’s website. (4) To hold eight seminars to discuss about successful cases on sustainable development. (5) To organize two sustainable development expert symposiums and to release information to newspapers for nation-wide attention.With integrated marketing strategy, multi-media access on TV, newspaper, publicity materials and others, English version website, seminars on successful cases, expert symposiums and online videos, a tightly integrated marketing platform can be forged and work out well domestically and internationally for achieving the goals of public participation and sustainable development. During the execution of the project to the Sustainable Development issues effectively reach more than 6.25 million people.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 天喜整合行銷事業有限公司