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Title 103年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫
Abstract 103年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫」主要針對桃園縣轄內進行噪音、地下水水質、河川水質及水庫水質等監測,以掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並由趨勢分析及監測結果進行綜整檢討,供環保單位污染防制之參考。桃園縣內共計有12個環境噪音與12個交通噪音監測站,各監測站每季執行2次48小時連續監測作業,103年度噪音監測結果為100 %合格率。地下水質監測為針對轄內32口場置性監測井及3口戰備水井執行枯、豐水期各一次監測,由103年度監測結果顯示,32口場置性監測井除了龜山工業區及平鎮工業區部分區域四氯乙烯超過第二類地下水污染監測標準、中壢工業區部分區域三氯乙烯超過第二類地下水污染監測標準及永安工業區部分區域重金屬鉛超過第二類地下水污染監測標準之外,其餘監測井均符合地下水污染第二類監測標準;3口戰備水井監測結果均符合地下水污染監測標準。河川水質監測主要針對19處監測站,每季執行一次監測,103年度監測結果,整體水質大多呈現輕度及中度污染,其中未符合丙類陸域地面水體水質標準之項目計有大腸桿菌群、懸浮固體、生化需氧量、氨氮、溶氧、銅及錳等七項。水庫水質監測為位於石門水庫之監測站,定期每季執行一次監測, 103年度監測結果,各項測值皆符合乙類及丙類陸域地面水體水質標準,惟生化需氧量、氨氮及大腸桿菌群有超過甲類陸域地面水體水質標準之情形。
EngTitle The Environment Quality Monitoring of Taoyuan County(2014)
EngAbstract In this report ”The Environmental Quality Monitoring in Taoyuan County (2014)”, we choose several key parameters, the noise level, river water, dam water and ground water qualities, to monitor in Taoyuan County. We tried to obtain the trends in the monitored parameters and analyze the variations. The results contained an overview of indicative environmental quality and provided useful reference for future pollution control policies.We measured environmental noise levels and traffic noise levels each in 12 different monitoring stations. The values were monitored consecutively for 48 hours twice per season. All noise levels were within safe limits according to the noise level regulation.There are 32 regular monitoring wells and 3 military reserve wells in Taoyuan County. We got the water tested for ground water quality once per dry season and wet season. All analytical results were within safe limits according to type Ⅱ groundwater pollution standards, except the tetrachloroethene concentration too high in Gueishan industrial park and Pingzhen industrial park, the trichloroethylene concentration too high in Zhongli industrial park and the lead concentration too high in Yun An industrial park.We set up 19 river monitoring stations to monitor the river water quality once per season. The analytical results showed slight or moderate pollution in most river water bodies. The criteria that exceeded the Class C terrestrial surface water quality standards were coliform bacteria, suspended solids, biological oxygen demand(BOD), ammonia nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, copper, manganese. The water in Shihmen reservoir was sampled for dam water quality once per season. The analytical results met the Class B and C terrestrial surface water quality standards, except that the values of BOD, ammonia nitrogen and coliform bacteria were too high according to the Class A terrestrial surface water quality standards.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 桃園市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 柏新科技股份有限公司