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Title 102年度雲林縣六輕工業區土壤及地下水污染監測及應變計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間為102年8月13日至103年8月12日。主要工作包括:1、依污染潛勢高低篩選至少30口六輕自主管理監測井進行豐、枯水期地下水採樣檢測;2、環保署及環保局於區內設置之25口監測井進行一次地下水採樣檢測;3、環保局於區外設置之6口監測井進行豐、枯水期地下水採樣檢測;4、區外環境介質(農地土壤、魚塭底質、河川大排底泥、及水井)污染調查;5、六輕工業區列管場址巡查及改善後驗證工作;6、緊急應變作業;7、舉辦至少2場次法規宣導及研討說明會議等。地下水檢測結果,超過監測標準項目包括:總硬度、總溶解固體物、氨氮、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、總有機碳、鐵、錳、砷,超過管制標準項目為柴油總碳氫化合物;區外環境介質污染調查結果,除水井地下水砷超過監測標準外,其餘項目均低於管制標準或底泥品質指標上限值;執行11處列管場址改善完成驗證結果,均低於管制標準,已予以解除列管;完成3起緊急應變案件,並舉辦4場次土水法規宣導會,及協助審查相關報告書、參與相關會議等。根據今年度計畫工作成果,擬定未來年度計畫工作建議包括:1、持續辦理地下水水質監測;2、持續辦理區外環境介質污染調查工作;3、推動列管場址監督及管制作業。
EngTitle Monitoring and Emergency Response of Soil and Groundwater in Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park (2013)
EngAbstract This project starts from August 13 th, 2013 to August 12th, 2014. The main items includes: (1) 30 self-management monitoring wells groundwater analysis in wet and dry seasons, (2) 25 monitoring wells of EPA and EPB groundwater analysis once a year, (3) six monitoring wells of EPB groundwater analysis in wet and dry seasons, (4) pollution investigation of environmental media outside of the Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park, (5) inspection and verification of control sites in Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park, (6) emergency response, (7) at least two sessions related to soil and groundwater.The results of groundwater analysis show that total hardness, TDS, NH3+, Cl−, SO42−, TOC, Fe, Mn, As exceed groundwater monitoring standards, and TPH-d exceed groundwater control standards. The results of pollution investigation of outside the Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park show that As of civil wells exceed groundwater monitoring standards. For the soil and groundwater verification of 11 sites, the pollutant concentrations were below soil and groundwater control standards. This project assisted the EPB to complete three emergent cases and four sessions related to soil and groundwater.According to the project results of this year, it was concluded and suggested to three directions: (1) Keep monitoring groundwater quality, (2) Keep investigating environmental media outside of the Yunlin Offshore Industrial Park; 3) Promote the supervision and superintending for the contaminated sites based on Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 光宇工程顧問股份有限公司