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Title 102年度污染土壤離場之處理、處置、運用與追蹤查核計畫
Abstract 本計畫配合污染土壤離場處理納入廢清法體系管理之政策,分析污染土壤離場處納入事業廢棄物清理體系管理後各種作業情形與相關法規之符合度,提出相關法令、規範研訂、修正之需求與建議,以提供環保署完整管理污染土壤流向與處理設施運作之參考。並蒐集國內外再利用技術及實際現況,篩選適合我國之再利用方式,及依技術特性,研析污染土壤再利用產品之管理方式(含再利用產品品質要求)並透過專家學者座談會強化再利用管理內容及研提污染土壤作為水泥原料之公告再利用種類及管理方式(草案),供環保署妥善管理污染土壤再利用之參考,此外,本計畫並採樣分析30樣污染土壤再利用產品及10樣生物復育後土壤,確認其檢測結果遠低於土壤管制(監測)標準及TCLP溶出標準。另本計畫亦協助研擬清除處理及再利用設施許可審查應注意事項及其書面與現地審查重點,供環保署及各地方環保局審查清除處理/再利用設施許可之參考,並完成20場次土壤處理設施現場查核,掌握污染土壤離場處理設施運作現況。本計畫並於「事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(IWRS&IWMS)」(以下簡稱事廢系統)、環境保護許可管理資訊系統(EMS)修正調整及新增污染土壤離場申報與追蹤作業相關功能,與增修訂污染土壤流向追蹤及統計、勾稽報表,以有效協助主管機關掌握土壤離場流向追踨。且因應新制上路,本計畫並製作污染土壤離場作業宣導手冊及辦理宣導及研商會議,使業者瞭解並遵守污染土壤離場處納入事業廢棄物清理體系管理有關規定。
EngTitle the project of contaminated soil off-site treatment, final disposal, reuse and audting for 2013
EngAbstract This project designed to follow the Waste Disposal Act on reporting and management policy of contaminated soil off-site treatment, analyzed all kinds of operation and conformity of relative laws and regulations, put forward related laws, regualated requirements and recommendations of preparation and amendment. The transportation and treatment facility of the contaminated soil can be managed under these regulations.In addition, this project collected the domestic and foreign reuse technology as well as actural situation, chose the reuse methods that suitable for Taiwan, researched the management methods of contaminated soil reuse products which included their quality requirement based on the technology characteristics, strengthened the reuse management content by seminars of experts, studied and put forward the contaminated soil regarded as the drafted reuse types and manamgement methods of cerement raw materials, provided reference about the proper management of the contaminated soil reuse to EPA. Besides, this project took the samples and analyzed 30 contaminated soil reuse products and 10 types of soil after bioremediation confirming that the test results would be much lower than the Soil Control(Monitoring) Standards and TCLP Leaching Standards. The project assisted to draw up notices, written and on-site audition priorities of the mananagement and reuse facility permit,so as to offer reference about the manangement and reuse facility permit to EPA and the local environmental protection bureaus. At the same time, the project completed 20 soil treatment facility on-site audition, controlled and managed contaminated soil off-site treatment facility current operation. With IWRS&IWMS, the adjustments and corrections of EMS and the relevant functions of reporting and inquiring operation for newly established contaminated soil code, this project amended the contaminated soil off-site transportation process tracking, counting and report inspection. As a result, the control and management of soil off-site transportation process can be more efficient.This project would make free brochures of contaminated soil off-site treatment and hold the meetings because of the new policy implementation. In conclusion, this project is to let the industry understand and comply with the relevant rules about the contaminated soil off-site treatment under the industrial waste management system.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司