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Title 102年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間,依規定完成各空氣品質監測站維護工作,包括自動監測站192站次週維護、96站次雙週維護、48站次月維護、16站次季維護、4站次年維護;人工監測站84站次操作維護、168站次採樣分析-TSP(PM10)、84站次採樣分析-落塵筒且汰換1座人工監測站、一台碳氫化合物分析儀、一台氫氣產生器。每月會議持續檢討與改善,以強化維護工作品質;測站品保作業經第三方單位執行合計4次功能檢查與年度績效查核,各項缺失均已完成檢討與立即改善與檢討,以使測站持續正常運轉並預防後續缺失情形發生。各測站年平均資料可用率分別為,內壢站98.93%;新興站99.16%;三民站98.74%;觀音站99.33%。數據統計分析顯示,各站測值變化符於監測特性,交通源主要污染物如CO、NOx等物種均以交通測站之三民站偏高;而固定源污染物可能受到工業區排放影響如SO2測值,以位於觀音工業區之觀音站,測值明顯偏高於各測站。大氣環境區域性污染,如O3、PM10與PM2.5則各站濃度變化趨勢相近。人工監測站每月上、下半月定期進行監測站之操作及維護工作,並於次月15日前提交報表以供備查;計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%;本年度TSP監測結果,各人工監測站監測結果並無超過空氣品質標準24小時值(250μg/m3),總懸浮微粒、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽及氯鹽等成分,各站濃度變化趨勢相近。
EngTitle Air Quality Monitoring Site Operation and Maintenance in Taoyuan County of 2013
EngAbstract During this plan, the accomplishment of operation and maintenance for all air quality monitoring sites includes 192 times of weekly maintenances, 96 time of double weeks maintenances, 48 times of monthly maintenances, 16 times of quarter maintenances, and 4 times of yearly maintenances for automatic monitoring sites; 84 times of operation and maintenance, 168 times of sampling and analysis-TSP (PM10), 84 times of sampling and analysis-dust gauge for manual monitoring sites which include replacing a manual monitoring site, a total hydrocarbon analyzer(THC), and a hydrogen generator. Monthly meetings have continued to make improvement for the quality of the maintenance. The QA works of the site were executed 4 times of the functional inspection and the yearly inspection by third party, all lacks have been completed the correction to make sites to proceed the work smoothly and the prevention has been built to avoid any failures. The available rates of average annual data are Ne-Li Site as 98.93%; Shin-Shing Site as 99.16%; San-Ming Site as 98.74%; Guan-In Site as 99.33%. The statistical analysis has demonstrated that each site measured the value was equal to the typical monitoring features; transportation source has main species of pollutants such as CO, NOx have highest values in San-Ming Site. The stationary source pollutant possibly receives emissions from industrial zones which influenced the measured value of SO2 in Guan-In Site of Guan-In Industrial Zone and the value was obviously higher than other sites. For the pollution of ambient air regions, O3, PM10 and PM2.5 are close to the tendency of concentration in every site. Manual monitoring sites have been operated and maintained regularly in the month of first half and the month of second half; also, the report must be submitted in every next month of 15th. This plan has been executed to achieve the 100% availability ratio for all instruments. In this year, the result of TSP monitoring was complied with the air quality standard of 24 hours value (250 μg/m3) such as TSP, sulfates, nitrates and chloride are the closer tendency for all sites.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國際環境科技有限公司