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Title 事業廢棄物0800諮詢服務及資訊設備維護計畫
Abstract  本專案之目的,在協助環保署事業廢棄物管制中心因應政策推動、法令修改及每年公告網路申報家數逐漸增加,為能提供業者所需之諮詢服務及維護網路申報效能之各項軟硬體設備。故本計畫提供諮詢服務及資訊設備維護二部分。  諮詢服務部分,本專案完成相關之軟硬體建置,並編制有十一名之客服人員,接聽 0800 免付費諮詢專線以提供業者及各級環保機關相關網路申報疑義並協助處理申報者相關之作業處理程序;資訊設備維護部分,提供一名資訊維護工程師駐署,協助於第一時間排除資訊系統與設備之障礙,並配合維護相關資訊系統與設備之資訊安全。  本專案之執行,以符合專案管理之程序,提供完善之專案執行內容,並協助訂定完善之管理程序及提供有效率之服務流程,以有效進行監控、查核與管理;輔以建置之軟硬體系統提供有效的解決方案、提報專案之經營成果,並提供工作績效分析,以期完成專案之工作目標。  就經營成果與工作績效分析的部分,對績效優良之工作成果予以繼續維持並更精進,對未達服務水平之表現不斷檢討、改進,並提出改善整體績效之建議與可執行之提案,以達成並超越專案需求為目標。  本期末報告中提供各項話務與資訊維護之統計數據與圖表,且將相關期間之話務進行統計分析與說明,同時將資訊維護狀況進行說明;並就本專案執行期間,各客服人員承辦之各項業務與業務量予以統計。  經客服人員考核辦法之執行,其所獲得之成效可由話務量與客服人員整體績效之數據中得知,各客服人員之工作表現,經客服管理師不遺餘力的不斷督促與輔導,及持續的與業務單位保持良好之互動與溝通,已可確切的說明各客服人員之工作態度與表現已進入正常之工作軌道。  本階段之諮詢服務成果,總計提供了55504通的電話服務、24592件之相關業務申辦,而資訊設備維護部分總計完成了2476次的作業,符合本專案之工作目標。
EngTitle Toll-free consulting service of industrial waste and maintenance plane of technology equipments
EngAbstract The objective of this project was to assist theIndustrial Waste Control Center in serving theenterprise on waste to process and control through theInternet more efficiently and professionally. With increasing demands on the Internet waste control service and satisfying the requirement from thelatest amended Waste Disposal Act, this project wasdesigned into two parts, one was to provide wastecontrol consultative service through dedicatedcustomer service center, and another was tostrengthen the online waste reporting system throughinformation technology maintenance service.In the customer service center, A personnel of elevenwas assigned and responding for answering the tollfree number calling from enterprise or theenvironmental related governmental agenciesregarding the use of online waste reporting system.The personnel was well-trained for waste flow andprocedure and aimed to assist the applicants withissue arises from online reporting process. Inaddition, one technical engineer was stationed atthe EPA responsible for resolving IT related issuesof the online waste reporting system.This project was carefully planned and implementedin accordance with project management standards,which included defining project goals and objectives,specifying tasks along with careful controls andmanagement. It also included implementing thecomputer information system to provide theachievement report and the performance evaluationreport.Upon job performance appraisal, good performers wereencouraged and assigned higher goals for future job performance.On the other hand, below-average performers werecontinuously evaluated and coached. If necessary,corrective actions to improve work performance weredeveloped to assist personnel in professionalcustomer service development and in achieving theproject goals.In this report, statistics and charts were providedfor better understanding on the achievements of theproject. The service calls were analyzed andcategorized, and the amount of calls served by eachcustomer service person were quantified as well asthe system maintenance status.The statistic results and performance appraisal haveshown that the objective of the project was achieved.The productivity of the customer service personnelhas been increased due to close supervision.Furthermore, the communication channel has beenestablished for better cooperation betweensub-units.The achievement of customer service provided 55504of phone customer service and also provided 24592 offlow and procedure and aimed to assist the applicantsin this phase. And the achievement of ITmaintenance service provided 2476 of IT maintenanceoperations in this phase. All of the achievementsget beyond the objective of this project.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 訊達電腦股份有限公司