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Title 103年度臺北市環境教育體驗活動推廣計畫
Abstract 我國於100年6月5日正式施行環境教育法,開宗明義即是強調推動環境教育,促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境相互依存關係的重要性,因此環境教育最重要的目的即為增進全民環境倫理與責任,進而落實於維護環境生態平衡、環境保護的目標。為此臺北市政府環境保護局於103年訂定「臺北市環境教育體驗活動推廣計畫」,並以三大環境節日及環境教育志義工交流為主軸,研擬及舉辦相關環境教育推廣活動。本公司於103年2月14日起,截至103年10月30日止,依據推廣計畫,研擬設計環境教育體驗系列活動,包含「4/22地球日」、「6/5世界環境日」及規劃「環保志(義)工環境知識競賽(初賽)」、規劃103年度環保知識挑戰擂臺賽初賽相關事宜等工作項目,並以環境教育為主軸,舉辦同時兼具本市地方特色之環境教育活動(如觀摩、體驗、實驗(習)、戶外學習、參訪及實作等),期以宣導實際落實環境保護活動的方式,使市民在環境教育互動中,認同並親身實行環境保護行為,以達環境永續維護之長遠目標。
EngTitle 2014 Taipei City Environment Education Experience Activity Promotion project.
EngAbstract The Environmental Education Act became effective on June 5, 2011, with the purpose of promoting environmental education in order to facilitate better general understanding and appreciation of the inter-dependent relationship between society and the environment. As such, the promotion of higher awareness of environmental ethics and responsibility for the general population would undoubtedly be the most important goal of environmental education as it could ensure the fulfillment of key objectives such as maintaining an ecological balance and achieving environmental protection. Therefore, Taipei City Government’s Department of Environmental Protection has established the “Taipei City Environmental Education Experience Promotion Plan” in 2014 to propose and organize relevant activities of environmental education promotion under the themes of the four major environment-related festivals and interaction between environmental education volunteers.Starting from February 14 through October 30, 2014, a company has designed and hosted a series of environmental education experience activities (including Earth Day on April 22; World Environment Day on June 5; Golden Autumn Earth Day on October 22; design the Games about the Environmental knowledge for Environmental Protection Volunteers, and so on.) with environmental education as the underlying theme in conjunction with the aforementioned plan. In addition, a Company has also held other environmental education events (such as demonstrations, experience activities, experiments, internships, outdoor learning activities, visits, hands-on practices etc.) that emphasized distinctive local features in the hopes of disseminating the importance of environmental protection and hopefully through these interactive activities, participating citizens can acknowledge and foster environmental protection behavior and ultimately accomplish the long-term goal of a sustainable environment.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 臺北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 威立顧問股份有限公司