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Title 非屬原子能游離輻射檢測技術暨室內外長期環境監測之研究
Abstract   電力及相關電子通訊科技為大眾生活帶來無比的便利,廣泛的應用在家電、廣播及個人行動通訊。但隨伴而來的各項電力與通信建設,也造成民眾對環境電磁波安全的疑慮,嚴重者甚至導致抗爭事件的發生。為能以更客觀、即時的將環境非游離輻射電磁波的實際資訊提供給一般大眾,讓民眾可隨時瞭解生活週遭相關設施附近非游離輻射的長期變化,以降低民眾的疑慮。環保署乃規劃進行非游離輻射長期監測站的建置,期望透過監測資訊的透明與公開,一方面使各類電力建設及廣播通訊業者以合法、適當的設施提供各項服務,一方面降低民眾對相關設施的輻射疑慮,安心的享用各種科技為日常生活所帶來的便利性。  為能落實環保署對非游離輻環境電磁波長期監測站的建置,本計畫由國際先進國家非游離輻射長期監測技術與研究資料蒐集、環境極低頻及射頻非游離輻射長期監測技術研擬、居家環境及學校場所非游離輻射長期監測技術研擬、以及非游離輻射長期監測作業之試行來進行長期監測站的建置規劃。除完成對歐、美各國環境非游離輻射監測研究與現狀技術資料之蒐集與分析外,同時也依據各國實施技術研擬我國執行非游離輻戶外長期監測以及於居家生活場所與學校環境監測之作業方法。為確認所擬訂方案的可行性,計畫中在台北、台中、高雄等都市的六個戶外地點進行各七天的射頻電磁輻射長期監測作業;也在新竹縣市的六個室內地點進行七天或十二小時的極低頻磁場長期監測作業。無論在射頻或極低頻的量測結果,其量測數值位準與變化情形均與國外研究結果相當一致,初步確認了所擬訂方案的適用性。
EngTitle Study of Indoor and Outdoor Long-term Environmental Non-Ionizing Radiation Monitoring Technologies
EngAbstract Nowadays, electricity and electromagnetic (EM) waves play a very important role in our daily lives in the applications of household appliances, broadcasting, personal communications, and so on. However, the widely established electrical facilities and telecommunication base stations have resulted in increased concerns about the effects of EM radiation on the health of the public and has caused conflict between residents and the power company or telecom carriers. In order to reduce the ever increasing concern among the residents around these facilities, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to establish a long-term environmental non-ionizing radiation monitoring system and will allow to the public to access the environmental EM radiation information via the EPA website.The objective of this project is to draft a proposal for the establishment of the long-term environmental non-ionizing radiation monitoring system in EPA. We collected and analyzed international technical documents and the latest research results from advanced countries regarding long-term EM radiation monitoring techniques. Based on this information, we drafted the measurement method for the long-term EM radiation monitoring in outdoor environment as well as in indoor environment such as in homes or school building. In order to verify the applicability of the drafted method, we performed EM wave monitoring in five major cities in Taiwan. The seven-day long-term measurements of radio frequency (RF) radiations were performed at 6 outdoor locations in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. The long-term monitoring of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field was performed at 6 indoor locations in Hsinchu that involved continuous monitoring of the environmental magnetic field for 7 days in a house or 12 hours in a school. The measurement result is in agreement with most of the results published by the research documents we collected. These measurements show the applicability of the drafted method for RF radiation monitoring as well as for ELF magnetic field monitoring in both outdoor and indoor environments.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 千一科技股份有限公司