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Title 103年河川水質改善評析及支援計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對54條環保署定期監測河川進行近10年污染消長分析,並利用相關已採取之改善措施進行各測站對應水質變化情形探討;另考量部分河川可能受天然因素影響造成污染程度失真之情形,本計畫團隊亦依據各河川污染特性建議適用之水質評估指標。同時彙整評析28條指定河川相關背景資料,視流域所在縣市轄內污染源整治能量,提出各流域於水質清淨程度、生態環境保育、水岸環境活化/整體治理成效、政府行政管理及民間投入程度等五大面向之污染整治策略。並於各單位污染整治相關計畫推動的同時,協助督促縣市政府正常操作維護現地水質淨化設施,落實場址自主管理之目的,以及掌握地方對於水體水質改善之努力度及成效。而於各縣市整治成效展現過程中,屬跨縣市測站水質有待釐清責任歸屬問題,故本計畫利用支流排水水質水量調查結果或可能影響跨縣市測站之列管事業資料,進行縣市污染量負荷分析,藉以作為跨縣市測站水質良窳責任歸屬之參考。同時本計畫亦完成編製102年度綠色國民所得帳,以提供環保署施政參考及行政院主計處編算環境品質質損帳之用。並辦理環境水體水質改善綜合性業務,包含針對重金屬未符合水質河段研擬污染源總量削減及管制對策;彙整國內河川疏濬工程相關環境保護規範,提出防範河川懸浮固體物造成水質異常措施之建議;以及有關離島工業區相關運作情形評析等。
EngTitle 2014 River water quality improvement support and evaluation plan
EngAbstract The Project analyzes the changes in 54 rivers that have been under EPA’s regular monitoring for the last ten years and investigates the water changes at the monitoring stations based on the improving actions taken. The Project, in consideration of the probable distorted reports on the pollution in certain rivers due to the influence of natural factors, also makes suggestion for applicable indicators for water assessment based on the characteristics of pollution in the rivers. Also, after summarizing and analyzing the background data on 28 designated rivers, and considering the capacity of polluting source control in the counties and cities where these rivers run, this project proposes strategies for pollution control in the river basins covering five aspects. The aspects are how clean the water is, ecological conservation, effectiveness of waterfront environment regeneration/total administration, government administration and private sector involvement.While the agencies are promoting the pollution control plans, this project extends assistance in urging the county/city governments to operate and maintain the in-situ water cleansing facilities properly to fulfill the object of autonomous site management and to be comprehensive of the efforts and effectiveness of the local water improvement in waters. While the effectiveness of control is being seen in the counties and cities, the responsibility for water quality at monitoring stations that straddle multiple counties/cities has yet to be attributed. Hence this project uses the survey on the effluent quality and volume in the branches or the data on controlled businesses that might affect the inter-city monitoring stations to analyze the pollution load in the counties and cities, which results serve as reference in determining the responsibility for the water quality at inter-city monitoring stations.This project also completes the preparation of the 2013 Green GDP to provide EPA as reference in its administration and for the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan to do the environmental accounting with. General affairs of environmental water quality improvement carried out in the project also include the formulation of total reduction at polluting sources and control measures for the river sections with non-conforming heavy metals; giving recommendation for actions to prevent suspended solids in river from causing abnormal water quality after summarizing the environmental protection specifications regarding river dredging works in Taiwan; and analysis in the operations of offshore industrial parks.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司