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Title 回收處理廢鋰電池產製環保觸媒之資源化技術研究
Abstract 本計畫針對廢"鋰鈷電池"與"鋰鐵電池"進行回收與再生之創新研究,應用本實驗室既有之觸媒相關設備與技術,將廢鋰電池回收轉製成環保觸媒,探討不同廢鋰電池合成環保觸媒之回收處理程序,以及所合成環保觸媒之物化特性,並進一步將再生觸媒進行不同污染物之催化活性測試。研究結果顯示,廢鋰鈷電池正極粉末中主要金屬成分為鋰5%、鈷50%、鎳3%、錳3%,廢鋰鐵電池正極粉末中主要金屬成分則為鋰4%、鐵27%、銅4%,具有進一步製成觸媒之可行性。廢鋰電池正極金屬粉末對有機氣體之催化活性不佳,經過沉澱氧化法將廢電池製備合成鋰鈷觸媒粉末後,對丙烯、CO、NO氣體之催化活性顯著提升且相當良好,在200-300℃反應溫度下三種氣體污染物之轉化率皆可達99%以上,但是鋰鐵電池粉末之催化活性則不夠理想。本研究另改用溶解含浸法法,將鋰鈷、鋰鐵電池正極粉末溶解於鹽酸後含浸於市售載體上,製成顆粒觸媒與蜂巢式觸媒,可有效提升鋰鐵觸媒之催化活性。實驗結果顯示,鋰鈷顆粒觸媒之最適反應條件應為反應溫度400℃、空間速度8,488 hr-1或是反應溫度500℃、空間速度25,465 hr-1,而鋰鐵顆粒觸媒之最適反應條件為反應溫度500℃、空間速度8,488 hr-1,此時兩種顆粒觸媒對丙烯與CO之轉化率皆可達90~99%以上。本研究亦根據實驗結果與條件,建議最適之廢鋰電池回收處理與觸媒製備程序,以及合成觸媒之最適操作條件。由操作成本與經濟效益評估結果顯示,將廢鋰電池回收製成環保觸媒之主要操作成本為觸媒載體費用,但由於一般市售觸媒之單價頗高,鋰鈷觸媒與鋰鐵觸媒銷售總收入仍可大於製備成本,因此將廢電池製成觸媒銷售應用具有良好經濟可行性。
EngTitle Resourcelization technology of spent lithium batteries for the production of environmental catalysts
EngAbstract This project aimed to study the recycling and reuse of spent lithium-cobalt battery and lithium-iron battery. Based on our previous experiences and technology on the catalysis, we tried to recycle the materials from spent lithium batteries for manufacturing the environmental catalysts for air pollution control. Different recycling and manufacturing methods were investigated. The characteristics and catalytic activities of synthesized catalysts for different air pollutants were analyzed and tested. The results showed that the major metals in spent lithium-cobalt batteries were lithium 5%, cobalt 50%, nickel 3%, manganese 3% and the major metals in spent lithium-iron batteries were lithium 4%, iron 27%, and copper 4%. All of them were potential materials for manufacturing catalysts. The catalytic activities of metal powders in the anode of spent lithium batteries were bad. With using the precipitation-oxidation method to prepare the lithium-cobalt catalysts from spent lithium-cobalt batteries, their catalytic activities for propane decomposition, CO oxidation, and NO reduction were well improved and excellent. The conversion efficiencies of the regenerated lithium-cobalt catalysts for those three gas pollutants were all above 99% even at low temperatures 200-300 oC. However, the catalytic activities of regenerated lithium-iron catalysts from spent lithium-iron batteries were unsatisfied. In the second part of the experiments, the dissolution and impregnation method were used for manufacturing the pellet and honeycomb catalysts from the spent lithium batteries. The catalytic activities of lithium-iron catalysts were well improved. Experimental results showed that the optimal operation conditions of lithium-cobalt pellet catalysts were occurred at the reaction temperature and space velocity of 400 oC and 8,488 hr-1 or 500 oC and 25,465 hr-1. The optimal operation conditions of lithium-iron pellet catalysts were occurred at 500 oC and 8,488 hr-1. The conversion rates of C3H6 and CO at these conditions were higher than 90~99%. The optimal recycling and preparing processes for the manufacture of environmental catalysts from the spent lithium batteries was proposed according to the experimental results and experiences. The results of cost analysis and economic evaluation indicated that the dominated operation cost on manufacturing catalysts from spent lithium batteries was for the catalyst support. Due to the price and profit of commercial catalysts were high, the revenue of selling lithium-cobalt catalysts and lithium-iron catalysts were higher than the manufacturing cost. As a result, recycling the spent lithium batteries to manufacture catalysts was highly economic and feasible.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 弘光科技大學