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Title 深層地熱發電技術評估工作
Abstract 推動「低碳」或「無碳潔淨能源」之再生能源技術為先進國家重點研發項目,我國本身自產能源相當匱乏,在2007年台灣的進口能源依存度已經成長到99.22%。全球深層地熱發電之潛能約為石化燃料發電潛能之300倍,相對於先進國家對深層地熱研發與應用的進程,我國的地熱應用之進度實屬落後,實需大力推動。臺灣地處環太平洋地震帶與火山區,地熱蘊藏條件頗為優異,例如:臺灣大屯火山群(基隆火山、龜山島)、東部海岸山脈、及澎湖群島區等三大火山區;然而,相對於先進國家對深層地熱研發與應用的進程,我國的地熱應用之進度實屬落後,實需大力推動。據此,本計畫研究將蒐集國際深層地熱資源開發現況資訊,並評析面臨挑戰及未來發展方向;從工程、經濟、環境之3E面向,評估國內深層地熱資源開發技術及發展潛力;同時,召開諮詢會探討深層地熱能開發執行困境與改善解決對策,提出我國深層地熱發電推動策略,以達國家2025年無碳再生能源佔發電系統8%之目標。
EngAbstract Taiwan is lack of self-production energy which the dependence on imported energy has come to 97.49% in 2007. With the warning of Fukushima nuclear disaster and the pulse on construction of the Fourth nuclear power plan, is it critical to develop projects of renewable energy with “low-carbon” or “zero carbon clean energy” technology. Global Enhance Geothermal System (EGS) energy potential is 300 times than fossil fuels. Compared to developed countries’ process on EGS and neighbor countries like Philippine and Indonesia actively developing geothermal power technology, Taiwan has great advantage on geothermal power because of located in circum-Pacific seismic belt and the volcanic area such as Taiwan Datun Volcano Group (Keelung volcano, Gueishan Island), east coast mountains, and the Penghu Islands area. However, we are still behind the agenda which need more efforts to promote the geothermal application.Based on the needs, this research is to collect current development status from international EGS, including US, Philippine and Indonesia as well as to evaluate the challenges and the future directions. On the other hand, it is to evaluate Taiwan’s EGS technology development and its potential for power generation from 3E(engineering, economy and environment) dimensions. Meanwhile, this research has held a conference to discuss the difficulties and solutions on implementation of EGS, and further proposed a strategy for promoting EGS to achieve the national goal of 8% power generation from low carbon renewable energy.The research concluded the following results: Co-opetition the advantage and experiences of international geothermal development, analysis of current development and potential of geothermal technology in Taiwan, 3E dimensions of evaluation on technology of Taiwan’s EGS and the suggestion to Taiwan’s EGS future development.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學嚴慶齡工業發展基金會合設工業研究中心