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Title 103年度嘉義市資源回收工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自103年3月21日至103年12月31日止,共計10個月。期間主要協助辦理轄內資源回收相關稽查工作、資源回收教育及宣導工作、成果彙整及考核庶務工作等分為十二大項,將工作項目歸納出稽查管制工作、輔導宣導工作、形象改造工作與績效考核工作等4大面向。在稽查管制工作執行,主要在監督業者落實環保署相關環保法令政策與制度,共計完成查獲29件違規責任物、販賣業者稽查768家次、回收處理業者362家次、限制含汞電池193家次、一次用外帶飲料杯271家次、限制產品過度包裝694件、廢潤滑油產生源83家等指定業者現場稽查管制,巡查社區、機關、學校、餐館業、旅館業、百貨公司的分類回收查核及掌握回收量作業則完成525家次。在輔導宣導工作面向中,文宣作業包含提供1,000份宣導品、1項宣導道具、4種設計文宣;發布1,383則電子媒體宣導;每月發佈2則新聞稿,已有10則新聞稿,刊登於聯合報、中國時報、自由時報、蘋果日報等任一報紙;辦理2場法令政策宣導說明會、4梯次資源回收宣傳(導)教育活動、1場大型資源回收宣導活動、8場次資源回收宣導活動、16處資源回收物兌換活動及學校資源回收評比活動及教師資源回收研討活動,評比結果,國小組特優為嘉大附小;國中組特優為北興國中;高中職以上組特優為嘉義高商。在形象改造工作面向中,針對歷年94處資源回收形象改造站追蹤運作現況及更新維護基本資料;輔導社區、里、機關、團體、學校共計10處單位申請資源回收形象改造站設置;補助100位個體業者形象宣導服(冬、夏裝)、帽子以及50萬意外保險,並辦理1場個體業者關懷活動,當天由黃敏惠市長親自頒發補助機具。共計完成304位個體業者環境衛生巡查作業;媒合15位個體業者進入物業、社區或學校從事資源回收服務,並掌握資源回收流向。在績效考核工作面向中,彙整9個月各項資源回收物大盤商收購價及區域範圍;規劃垃圾分類、資源回收清運定點試辦示範路線及執行成效;研擬規劃本市資源回收分類清運業務執行模式;提出兩項創新作法為列管業者輔導成果系統化,查核成果無紙化及環保政策影音宣導與陸客旅遊環保政策宣導。辦理推動里資源回收績效評比業務工作,已於103年10月16日至30日辦理里資源回收評比活動,評比結果特優里分別為新店里、朝陽里、興村里、頂庄里、文化里、新西里及保福里。環保署於103年10月2日安排考核委員至嘉義市進行103年度回收工作成效之現勘,本團隊全力協助環保局考核之準備工作,包括 貴局及本計畫推動資源回收工作成果之展現,如成果簡報資料、考核會場籌備、相關受核單位協調聯繫、書面資料卷宗等應有之重要事項。
EngTitle Promotion of Resource Recycling Project in Chiayi City, 2014.
EngAbstract There are 10-month period of the plan execution, since 103 years March 21 to December 31 103 years. Work is divided into four major face, including audit control work, counseling advocacy work, image transformation and performance assessment.Audit controls working part, Supervise the implementation of the EPA industry-related environmental laws and institutional policies.Complete inspection designated industry jobs, including seized 29 illegal liability matter, trafficking industry inspectors 768 times recycling industry 362 times, limiting mercury battery 193 times, once with a takeaway drink cup Source Reduction industry 271 times.Examiner 694 gift limit excessive packaging of products, waste lubricating oil generating source 83. Complete inspections of waste separation and recovery of 525 master communities, offices, schools, restaurants, industry, hotel industry, department stores.Part of advocacy work in counseling. Advocacy advocacy product has 1,000 items, an advocacy props, 4 kinds of design propaganda. Media advocacy work contains 1,383 electronic media publishing; published two press releases per month; published in newspapers in the United Daily News, China Times, Liberty Times, Apple Daily, a total of 10 press releases, etc. There are two games Act apply policy advocacy seminars, a field four echelon recycling outreach and education activities, a field of large recycling activities, 8 flea market activity, 16 recycling material exchange activities.Recycling assessment activities apply to all schools and recycling seminar for teachers. Recycling appraisal results for the country as a privileged group is AEESNCYU, PSJHS is privileged group in the National High School, NCYSCV is privileged groups in high schools and universities.Image transformation section. Track the status of the operation and maintenance of basic information for image reconstruction 94 recycling stations in the past few years. Counselling 10 communities, the agencies, organizations, schools apply for setting resource recovery image transformation stand this year. Image advocacy clothes, hats, and 500,000 to 100 individual accident insurance industry in a field activity of individual care industry. Environmental health inspections done on storage conditions in 304 self-employed. There are 15 individual businesses do matchmaking resource recovery services and mastered recycling flow in the community, the school.Recycling performance assessment section. Within the scope of the collection area, the purchase price of recyclable materials wholesaler within 9 months. Planning and execution of the effectiveness of the demonstration route on garbage, recycling removal point operations. City recycling classification removal business plan execution mode. Two innovative approach is the result of systematic and environmental policy advocacy for Chinese tourists.Promote recycling in the performance appraisal operations, has handled of recycling activities and competitions in 103 years of 16 to 30 October, were privileged in 新店里、朝陽里、興村里、頂庄里、文化里、新西里及保福里。EPA members to do the exploration recycling effectiveness in 103 years October 2 to Chiayi. Assist in the preparation of the team, including the results of the work to promote recycling show, such as the results of briefing materials, contact the relevant units to coordinate important issues, such as written information dossier.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司