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Title 聯合國永續發展教育十年計畫後永續發展行動策略研擬專案工作計畫
Abstract 永續發展教育十年的宗旨為透過各種形式的教育、宣傳和培訓活動,提高對永續發展的認識,促進朝向永續發展。我國政府及民間積極推動環境教育已近三十年,視環境教育與永續發展教育為同義詞。本計畫根據永續發展的四個面向,環境、社會、經濟、文化四個面,檢視我國「永續發展教育(環境教育)」的推動情形及相關成果,製作中、英、日文三種語言的摺頁及手冊,透過於世界永續教育會十年會場設攤,分享臺灣永續發展教育現況與展望,經由國內五個部會及國外五個國家的文件與文獻之整理與分析,以及相關專家學者的諮商,規劃未來十年我國推動永續發展教育的行動策略。
EngTitle Planning Action Strategies of Education for Sustainable
EngAbstract United Nation Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) is to raise up the awareness of the sustainable development and actions toward sustainable development through various approaches of formal, informal education and training. Taiwan government had actively promoted the environmental education (EE) for thirty years and treated EE as education for sustainable development (ESD). This project reviewed the efforts and results of past EE with the perspectives of environment, society, economics and culture which are four dimensions of sustainable development. The research team did literature review on EE reports of the five agencies in Taiwan and status reports about the education of sustainable development (ESD) in five countries. This research produced and distributed three kinds of brochures and booklets with one of Mandarin, English, and Japanese in the exhibition near the World conference on Education for Sustainable Development, to share the status and vision of Taiwanese ESD (EE). After two consulting meetings, this team completed action strategies for post 2014 ESD of Taiwan.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國環境教育學會