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Title 103年度臺東縣環境教育推動執行工作計畫
Abstract 摘要本計畫自103年3月24日簽約執行至103年12月31日止,各項工作階段執行成果摘要說明如下:一、臺東縣環境保護極短片徵選及發表本年度臺東縣環境保護極短片計有20件作品參賽,經組成兩組(學校及社會組)各4委員之評審團後,於6月4日進行作品評選。評審委員包含臺東縣環保局環境衛生管理科吳淑姬小姐、臺東縣萬安國小何錦尚校長、臺東縣休閒旅遊協會歐業偉副總幹事及大愛電視台導演王俊凱先生等,評選結果選出第1~第5名及5名優選。得獎作品已於6月13日公開進行頒獎及發表活動,共有207人參加。其中前5名作品並置於臺東縣環境教育資訊網供大眾點播欣賞。活動共計刊登4則電子媒體及1則平面媒體。二、環境場域參訪活動1.東部海岸國家風景區管理中心為配合4月22日世界地球日,本計畫特別選在4月22日於台東縣東部海岸國家風景區舉辦環境教育場域參訪活動,計有民眾、機關人員及國中小學師生共124人參與。本次活動目的主要在於培養民眾對自然萬物的尊重,建立與環境的和諧關係,觸發環境行動力,成為有環境素養的公民。 2.國立台灣史前文化博物館為響應世界環境日,本計畫特於6月13日舉辦「台灣史前文化博物館環境場域參訪活動」,計有學校師生共114人參加,希望能讓參加的國小學童們對於台東之自然生態、史前文化及原住民文化之豐富和多樣性有更多的認識,啟發其對自然萬物的尊重,能夠更珍惜、尊重這片土地綿延不斷的自然與文化生命。3.知本自然教育中心及富源社區本次金秋環境季活動成功吸引共241位台東縣內的機關人員、一般民眾、教師及學童參加,知本自然教育中心三梯次共165人,富源社區共76人。參訪過程中主要希望透過親身參與知本自然教育中心及富源社區,經戶外教學過程,培養學童及民眾的環保意識,提昇主動關心環境教育事務的意願,並影響家人、朋友,以達到人與自然和諧相處的目標,也在學習中獲得環境保護與自然的奧妙的知識。三、環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導相關作業暨環境講習1.協助辦理環境教育講習計畫執行期間,每月1日由環保局所提供之講習名單,規劃講習課程及講座邀請,並於當月底開課。總計5~10月份共辦理8場,通知講習人數438人,完成講習203人,在扣除請假、異地申請、未送達等人數不計之下,整體出席率為73%。2.辦理環境教育說明會10場10場環境教育說明會總辦理時數40小時,其中32小時為環境教育人員授課,總出席人數457人。四、環境教育志工培訓及創意教學工作坊1.環境教育志工培訓本年度志工招募訓練共辦理3場次,分別為「環境教育志工特殊訓練」、「綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練」及「志工基礎訓練」。完成1.環境教育志工特殊訓練人數39人;2.綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練人數39人;及3.志工基礎訓練人數45人。2.創意教學工作坊創意教學工作坊於7月14及15日舉辦,本次活動共有36位教師參加,活動共兩天一夜。本年度環境創意教學工作坊主要參訪屏東縣恆春生態農場、屏東縣高樹鄉田子國小以及屏東縣九如鄉後庄國小。經由學校之間能相互觀摩相互學習,及經驗分享交流,創意教學工作坊使與會學員建立積極正面的價值及態度,以引導學生產生環境行動力。 五、相關輔導作業1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導環境教育設施場所認證說明會已於103年5月9日辦理,本次說明會邀請臺東縣取得環境教育設施場所認證之永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享「環境教育設施場所認證經驗」,會中藉由環境教育設施場所輔導問卷調查表,初步瞭解各場所申請狀況符合情形及其申請意願,並選出2個場所本身條件及意願較高之單位,分別為「台東農場」及「東河休閒農莊」進行後續輔導。2.社區改造及環保小學堂計畫輔導為協助協助臺東縣轄內各社區瞭解104年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂計畫,本計畫於103年9月30日辦理1場說明會,而由進一步輔導鼓勵,目前計有4社區(多良、溫泉、竹湖及下賓朗社區)申請社區環境改造計畫;另有1社區(富源社區)申請環保小學堂推廣計畫。六、協助各項環境教育競賽作業1.第3屆國家環境教育獎本年度已於103年5月7日辦理1場次國家環境教育獎參選說明會,會議當日共有13個單位共襄盛舉,包含機關、企業、社區等單位。此次說明會很榮幸邀請到第一屆國家環境教育獎個人組獲獎代表-臺東縣池上鄉萬安國民小學何錦尚校長及第一屆國家環境教育獎社區組獲獎代表-永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享環境教育獎參賽經驗。經環保局及本計畫之努力徵件,至7月15日報名截止日前,本縣計有3類3件參與本年度國家教育獎,分別為個人類:洪婉莉小姐;學校類:台東縣廣原國民小學;以及機關(構)類:行政院農業委員會林務局臺東林區管理處知本自然教育中心。經組成各類參選項目之評審團後,於9月26日召開初審作業說明會,會中交付各參選者申請文件,並確認於10月1日~10月2日辦理現地勘查。實地現勘過程中,審查委員依據書面文件資料及現場勘查討論結果,給予參賽者建議事項,並由参賽者進行參賽文件補件作業。参賽者修正後參賽文件,最終於103年10月20日召開初審成績議決會議。由於各參賽類別均只有1件參賽者,因此最後議決個人類(洪婉莉)、學校類(廣原國小)參及機關(構)類(知本自然教育中心)參賽者給予特優獎勵,並代表臺東縣角逐第3屆國家環境教育獎。2.環保志(義)工環境知識競賽環保志(義)工環境知識競賽主要目的乃以寓教於樂之方式,讓環保志(義)工學習環境相關知識。活動分兩階段進行,首先縣內初賽共有6支隊伍,約120人組隊報名參加,活動當天由環保局陳炳伸科長揭開序幕後,隨即進行暖身操練與各項競賽。透過地方初賽的辦理結果,本縣集結約83名優良之環保志(義)工組隊參加103年8月23日由行政院環境保護署舉辦的「全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」活動,與全台各縣市的環保志(義)工們一較高下。最後在「環保精神啦啦隊」比賽中,以台東著名的特色活動「炸寒單爺」為主題,並奪得第4名的佳績,展現出台東縣的創意、活力、熱情及無比的運動家精神。3.臺東縣環保知識挑戰擂台賽為了讓臺灣全國國民在不受年齡、性別、職業、教育程度等限制,能全方位拓展對環保知識認知,環保署於民國99年4月起規劃建置「環境E學院」,做為環保知識的資料庫,並藉此於100年起每年舉辦「全國環保知識挑戰擂台賽」,集結全國各縣市初賽表現優異的參賽者進行總決賽,而各地方政府環保局亦每年配合舉辦初賽活動,遴選出各組前五名代表地方參加全國總決賽。本年度臺東初賽活動分兩階段進行,首先由各校進行校內初賽,並由校內初賽結果擇優參加縣內初賽。「台東縣環保智慧王挑戰擂台賽」於10月26日(星期日),在台東市新生國小禮堂舉行,共分為國小組、國中組、高中職組及社會組等四組個別競賽,參賽人數國小組為168人、國中組為91人、高中職組為10人及社會組為20人,共計289人。七、臺東縣環境教育行動方案本計畫已於執行之初即依環保署編製環境教育白皮書之需求,提送地方環境保護機關環境教育成果調查表,並製作「102 年臺東縣環境教育行動方案執行成果報告」(初稿),且於103年6月9日協助召開臺東縣環境教育審議委員會審議,初稿經審議後,依委員意見進行修正,並於103年6月13日完成所有委員之確認後,作成定稿提送環保署。八、推廣綠色生活本計畫已完成(1)增加綠色商店30家、(2)新增民間企業採購會員 32 家、(3)提報環保標章或第二類環境保護產品違規情形27件、(4)輔導轄內村里辦公室進行綠色消費或環保標章之宣傳18處、(5)綠色生活資訊網公布活動訊息則數46則、(6)文宣製作及媒體運用17則、(7)綠色商店輔導家數62家、(8)民間、團體及社區綠色採購申報家數22家、(9)辦理環保標章說明會並邀請轄內相關業者參與2場、(10)輔導綠色婚禮產業鏈相關業者35家。
EngTitle 103 Taitung County Environmental Education to promote the implementation of the annual work plan
EngAbstract 103 years of this project since March 24 and ending 103 years of contract execution on December 31, the Executive Summary of the results of the work phases are described below:First, Taitung County Environmental Protection released a very short films for selection and Taitung County Environmental very short films this year there are 20 entries from the count, the composition of the two groups (schools and community groups) all four members of the jury after, on June 4 were selected works. Taitung County jury contains EPA Environmental Health Management Branch, Miss Wu Shu Ji, Taitung County Primary Ho Kam Wan An , Taitung County Association of European leisure travel industry Wei, Deputy Director General and Director Mr. Wang Junkai love television so the selection results of the first to be elected The first five and five famous election. The winning entries were published in public events and awards June 13, a total of 207 participants. Of which the first five works and placed Taitung County Environmental Education News Demand for public appreciation. Activities totaled four electronic media and published a print media.Second, the environmental field visit activities 1. East Coast National Scenic Area Administration Center In line with the April 22 Earth Day, this project special election held environmental education activities in the field visit on April 22 at the East Coast National Scenic Area in Taitung County, namely people, office workers and 124 primary and secondary school teachers and students people involved. The main purpose of this activity is to develop respect for the natural world and the people, to establish a harmonious relationship with the environment, trigger environmental action, and become an environmental literacy of citizens.2. The National Taiwan Museum of Prehistory In response to the World Environment Day, this project is organizing on June 13 "Taiwan Museum of Prehistory environmental field visit activities", namely, a total of 114 people attended the school teachers and students, hoping that children who participate in the national school for Taitung the natural environment, cultural richness and diversity of prehistoric Aboriginal culture and know more, inspired by their respect for the natural world, can cherish and respect this land endless stretches of natural and cultural life.3. Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan Community The environment autumn season activities attracted a total of 241 office workers within Taitung County, the general public, teachers and students to participate in three-echelon Chihpen Nature Education Center 165 people, a total of 76 people Fuyuan community. Visit the main process is hoped to personally participate in Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan community through outdoor teaching, training students and people's environmental awareness, willingness to take the initiative to enhance environmental education matters and affects family, friends, to meet people and natural harmony of the goal, but also get to learn the subtleties of environmental protection and nature of knowledge.Third, the Environmental Education Law Article 19 related to the implementation of effective remedial work environment workshop cum 1. assist with environmental education workshops During the execution plan, the 1st month of the list of workshops offered by the Environmental Protection Agency, curriculum planning workshops and seminars invitation, and in the end when commenced. Total handled a total of 5 to October 8 games, the number of notifications class 438, 203 people completed the workshop, under the number of deductions leave, remote applications, such as excluding non-delivery, overall attendance rate of 73%.2. For Environmental Education Seminar 10 games 10 Description field of environmental education will always apply a few 40 hours, including 32 hours of environmental education teaching staff, the total attendance of 457 people.Fourth, environmental education volunteer training workshops and creative teaching 1. Environmental Education Volunteer Training This year volunteers recruit training were handled in three sessions, namely "environmental education volunteer special training", "green living and consumption of specially trained volunteers" and "volunteer basic training." 1. Environmental Education Volunteer completed special training number 39; 2 green living and consumption of specially trained volunteers number 39; and 3. The number of volunteers basic training 45 people. 2. Creative Teaching Workshop Creative teaching workshops on July 14 and held on the 15th, this time a total of 36 teachers participated in the activities, events on overnight visit. Creative Workshops teaching environment this year mainly Visit Hengchun, Pingtung County Ecological Farm, Pingtung County 田子国 small village and tall trees on the back nine as a small country village Township, Pingtung County. Between schools could observe each other through mutual learning and exchange of experience sharing, creative teaching workshop enables participants to establish a positive student attitudes and values to guide students to generate environmental action force.Fifth, work-related counseling 1. Environmental education establishments certified counseling facilities Environmental Education Facilities Location Certification briefing was 103 years May 9 handle, this description will be invited to get in Taitung County Environmental Education Facilities Location Certification of Mr. Liao Zhongxun Wing community, come to share "Environmental education and facilities for certification experience" will With environmental education facilities in place counseling questionnaire, a preliminary understanding of the status of each application to apply for places in line with the wishes of their situation, and to elect two places of the wishes of their own conditions and higher units, namely "Taitung farm" and "East River leisure Farm "follow-up counseling.2. small school community improvement and environmental planning counseling To help assist communities to understand each jurisdiction Taitung County 104 annual community environmental improvement and environmental protection small school plan, this plan in 103 years on September 30 will apply for a course description, and by further encourage counseling, currently there are four communities count (more good, hot springs, lakes and bamboo under Binlang community) to apply community environmental improvement plan; otherwise a community (Fuyuan community) to promote the plan to apply for a small school environment.Six, to assist the work of environmental education competition 1. The 3rd National Environmental Education Award This year has been 103 years May 7 to handle a screening of the National Environmental Education Award candidate briefings, meetings Gongxiangshengju day total of 13 units, including agencies, businesses, communities and other units. The description will be very honored to have the first group of the National Environmental Education Award winning personal representative - Wan 安国民 Chihshang Township Elementary School Jin Ho 尚校长 second term National Environmental Education Award winning community group representatives - Mr. Wing community 廖中勋 before environmental Education Award competition to share the experience. Efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency and the intrinsic parts of the plan, to July 15 registration deadline, the county has a 3 meter class three participating countries Education Award this year, for the individual category were: Miss Hong Wanli; school classes: National Taitung County Guangyuan and agencies (institutions) category; school: Forestry Bureau Chihpen Nature Education Center Taitung forest District Office.After the jury of various types of election programs on September 26 will be held preliminary job description, all candidates will be delivered in the application documents and confirmed on October 1 - October 2 now apply to exploration. Now during the field survey, the review committee on the basis of written documentation and on-site survey results of the discussions, the participants recommended that the matter be given, participants performed the job by participating file additional documents. After the contestants participating amended document, the final resolution of the meeting held preliminary results on October 20 103 years. As a result of the competition categories are only one contestant, so the final resolution of individual classes (Hong Wanli), school classes (Guangyuan Primary) Participation and agencies (institutions) class (Chihpen Nature Education Center) grant privileged participant incentives, and on behalf of Taitung County race 3rd national Environmental Education Award.2. Environmental Chi (righteousness) work environment quiz Environmental Chi (righteousness) working knowledge of the environment are based on the way the main purpose of entertaining contest, let environmental Chi (righteousness) learning environment for knowledge workers. Activities carried out in two stages, the first preliminary round total of six teams prefecture, about 120 people enrolled in the team, the day after Chen Ping stretched by the EPA chief to kick off immediately afterwards warm-up exercises and various competitions. Through the results of the preliminary round of the handle where the county was centered about 83 environmental quality of Chi (righteousness) work team to participate in "National Environmental Chi (righteousness) work environment knowledge contest" 103 years August 23 organized by the Environmental Protection Administration activities, and counties and cities in Taiwan's environmental Chi (righteousness) workers are under a high. Finally, in "green spirit cheerleading" race to Taitung famous special activities "fried cold single God" as the theme, and the first to win four medals, showing Taitung County creativity, energy, enthusiasm and unparalleled sportsmanship .3. Challenge contest Taitung County environmental knowledge To allow Taiwanese nationals in the country regardless of age, sex, occupation, education level and other restrictions, to all-round development of environmental knowledge cognition, EPD's Republic of China since April 1999 build plan "Environmental Institute E", as the environmental knowledge repositories, and to be held in every year since 100 years, "National Environmental knowledge challenge challenge Cup" National assembly counties preliminaries outstanding performance make the finals contestants, but also with the local government held preliminary EPA annual campaign five representatives of each group were selected to participate in the national finals place. Taitung preliminary events this year in two phases, the first conducted by the school campus preliminaries, preliminary results merit by the school to participate in the preliminary round of the prefecture."Taitung County environmental wisdom of King Challenge Challenge Cup" on October 26 日 (Sunday) in Taitung newborn small hall of the country, the country is divided into groups, junior group, high schools and community groups and other groups four individual competitions, the number of countries participating group of 168 people, the country in the group of 91 people, the group of 10 high schools and community groups to 20 people, a total of 289 people.Seven, Taitung County Environmental Education Action Programme The plan that was implemented at the beginning of the preparation according to the needs of the EPA Environmental Education White Paper, submitted to local environmental protection agency environmental educational outcomes questionnaire, and produced "implementation of the outcomes reported in Taitung County Environmental Education Action Programme 102 years" (draft) after 103 years, and to help convene June 9 Taitung County environmental Education Committee considered the draft after deliberation, according to the views of members of the amendment, and in 103 years June 13 to complete the confirmation of all members, made final version submitted to EPD.Eight, to promote green living The plan has been completed (1) increase the Green Store 30, (2) the procurement of new members 32 private companies, (3) Green Mark escalation or second class environmental protection products contraventions 27, (4) Counseling jurisdiction of the village green consumption or propaganda office 18 of the green Mark, (5) green Life Event Calendar News published the number 46, (6) the use of propaganda and media production 17, (7) number of counseling green Store 62, (8) non-governmental, institutional and community green procurement reporting house number 22, (9) apply for green Mark briefings and invite jurisdiction related businesses involved in two games (10) counseling green wedding industry chain related industry 35 .
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 臺東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司