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Title 排放管道含鹵有機污染物連續監測技術開發
Abstract 本計畫開發排放管道含鹵有機污染物連續監測技術,係以「排放管道中氣態有機化合物檢測方法-採樣袋採樣/氣相層析火焰離子化偵測法(NIEA A722.75B)」為基礎,蒐集國內外排放管道採樣分析相關文獻,參考國內外相關單位建立之檢測技術及管制標準,收集國內相關業污染源資料,規劃排放管道含鹵有機污染物連續監測技術。採樣使用一顆二位十向閥,搭配採樣管、兩支分析管柱,使用火焰離子偵測器進行分析,依循環檢所所訂之「環境檢測標準方法驗證程序準則」針對所建立的分析方法進行評估,進行包括準確性、偵測極限、精密度、適用範圍等相關調查數據之品質規範評估。
EngTitle Development of Halogenated Organic Pollutants On-line Measurement Technology in Stack
EngAbstract The major objective of the project aims to develop sampling and analysis technology of halogenated organic pollutants in stack and provides test methods established to Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA. The on-line measurement method is based on NIEA method A722.75B, an off-line measurement method and collects sampling and analysis technology domestic and international. We sample halogenated organic pollutants by the sampling valve (2 position- 10 port) with one sample loop, two columns and analyse with GC-FID. We developed halogenated organic pollutants analyse technology, including methods of quality assurance standards, calibration, detection limits, precision accuracy, etc.,This project demonstrated the detection limits of these developed methods can match the currently EPA regulations for stack , and furthermore to provide draft standard operation procedure for EPA.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 中央大學