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Title 103年科技委辦計畫品質管理與推廣計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫執行期間自民國103年6月起至103年12月止,根據計畫目標完成以下工作項目:協助環保署103年科技計畫追蹤管考作業與行政支援,其工作內容包括:(1)彙整環保署102年度的執行成果績效及協助確認103年計畫完成GRB資訊系統連結與登錄;(2)「環保創新科技研發」計畫管理工作包括辦理103年度育成中心期中、期末審查會議及現場訪視等工作,並彙整環保署92年至103年補助92項計畫之問卷調查統計分析;(3)更新及維護環保署永續發展室網頁,包括科技計畫、奈米國家型計畫、環保科技育成中心等內容。根據本年度計畫彙整103年科技計畫共計25項,執行經費合計為47,966仟元。另環保創新科技研發計畫自92年起,12年間共執行92項計畫,合計投入補助145,094千元,截至103年共已取得42項國內外專利,技術轉移數量共計32件。辦理環境資源部科技計畫審議及績效作業流程協商會議1場次,邀請未來納入環境資源部之部會署參與,並針對各單位現行科技計畫之審議作業、績效管考作業模式,進行討論及意見交換,會議初步結論為未來環資部之科技計畫審議及績效作業流程建議依「領域別」構想進行。本團隊辦理「提升科技計畫管理與品質精進」專家諮詢會議,提出環保署推動科技委辦計畫可規劃中長程之目標並爭取多元經費之建議,使科技計畫於未來執行更能切合施政重點及未來環境科技之發展趨勢。於103年9月22日完成辦理「103年環境科技論壇」1場。本次論壇邀請產、官、學、研專家針對「環境科技未來發展與績效管理」進行與談,並發表「環保政策與科技研究」、「環境檢測及監測」以及「環保科技產學合作」等3大主題共9篇論文及2篇專題演講,與會人員計103人參與。問卷調查結果整體滿意度達97.7%,並整理論壇成果紀實1篇,以推廣本署科技研發成果。
EngTitle Quality Management and Promotion for the 2013 TEPA’S Projects
EngAbstract This project was designed and implemented for the goals (shown as follows) from June 2014 to December 2014.Management of the quality of Technology plan of Environmental Projection Administration (TEPA)’s technology project which is including (1)Aggregated achievement data of projects carried out in 2013,and assisted in linking and logging in the process of 2014 projects to the GRB information system. (2)Administrative support and management of “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects”. We managed the reviewing meetings for Environmental Technology Incubation Centers, including mid-term, final review meetings as well as the on-site visits. And we edited the performance of 92 projects that were carried out between 2003 and 2014. (3)Maintaining and updating the website of the Office of Sustainable Development, including technology development projects, the National Nanotech Projects, and Promotion for Environmental Technology Incubator Program. Edited 25 TEPA’s projects in 2014 with a total budget to 47.966 million TWD. Edited the performance of 92 “Innovative Environmental Technology R&D Projects” that were carried out between 2003 and 2014. EPA has subsidized up to 145.09 million TWD. Those projects have acquired 42 domestic and/or foreign patents, and transferred 32 cases to industry.For developing the procedure for reviewing the technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance, we invited departments which will belong to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in the future to participate in the meeting and exchanged comments in developing the procedure for reviewing technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance. The preliminary conclusions of the meeting is according with “field” to planning . And we hope TEPA’s projects will develope in concert with the strategic plans and the development of environmental technology in the future. We discussed in meetings with specialists and scholars to provide suggestions for how to upgrade the quality management and promotion for the TEPA’s projects.We organized a Forum on Environmental Technology on September 22, 2014. Invited experts from industry, officers of government, and scholars from centers of academic research, discussed the prospective trend for future study; focused on three major themes: “The Policy of Environmental Protection and the Research of Technology”, “Cooperation of Environmental Technology between Industry and Academy ”, “Environmental Monitoring and Analysis”. Attendees of Forum also presented 9 research papers and 2 speeches. With total of 103 participants who were satisfied with a rate of 97.7%.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會