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Title 電視主機板資源再生廠型化創新及技術提升計畫(2年之第1年)
Abstract 本研究規畫以兩年時間,以廠型化設備對CRT電視及LCD監視器之電路板進行實廠回收測試,以機械/物理處理方式分三階段將電路板上金屬加分離回收;再藉由濕法冶金方法金屬粉將被進一步分離純化至成金屬化學品。。由於電視及監視器之印刷電路板含有約60%至70%之金屬。在這項研究中,主機板上之金屬將被有效的回收成為單一金屬、混合金屬粒及金屬粉。在回收過程中,可避免因高溫處理所造成之空氣污染。研究結果顯示,第一階段粉碎分選過程可將約佔電視主機板重量40~45%且體積較大之金屬插件(包括鋁、銅、鐵及變壓器),以單一金屬型態加以回收;第二階段粉碎分選過程,則可將約佔電視主機板重量10~15%、體積較小之插件,以混合金屬粒型態將金屬加以回收;並藉第三階段粉磨篩分過程,將約佔電視主機板重量3~5%(主要為電路基板中之銅)以金屬粉型態將金屬加以回收;而整體金屬回收率可達95%以上。另回收之金屬粉再以濕法冶鍊方式將錫與銅提純回收,製成較高純度之金屬化學品。
EngTitle The Innovative project for plant-based technology of TV board resource recycling
EngAbstract This is a two-year research project. In this project, plant-type machinery will be used for the recycling test of used motherboard of CRT TV and LCD monitor. A series of crushing, grinding and screening process were used to separate used printed circuit board into metals and glass fiber/resin mixture. The recycled metal powder will be further purified and transfer into chemicals by hydrometallurgical method. The metal content of used motherboard is about 60 to 70%. In this study, the metal in the used motherboard will be recovered effectively as single metals, mixed metal pallet, and copper-based metal powder. In the recovering process, air pollution due to the high-temperature treatment may be avoided. The results showed that the first stage of shreddering and screening process can recover 40 to 45 percent of metal from the used PCB of CRT TV. In the second stage of shreddering and screening process, 10 to 15% of metal was recovered as mixed metal pallet. In the third stage of recycling process, 3 to 5% of metal was further recovered as metal powder. The overall recycling process can recover more than 95 percent of metal from used PCB.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 綠建股份有限公司