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Title 建立支撐式液態薄膜平台以純化應回收廢棄物之稀有資源(2年之第1年)
Abstract 本研究使用具分散反萃取相支撐式液膜(Supported Liquid Membrane with Strip Dispersion,SLMSD),利用中空纖維膜(hollow fiber module),以兩步驟程序回收與純化濃縮廢液晶面板內之銦金屬。近年來液晶顯示器(Liquid Crystal Display,LCD)具有重量輕、厚度薄、體積小且解析度高等優點,因此廣泛應用在各類光電產品中。銦錫氧化物(Indium Tin oxide,ITO)為鍍濺於液晶面板表層之透明電極,其中稀有金屬銦之價格近年來波動劇烈,且隨著廢棄液晶顯示器日益增多,故銦金屬之回收與純化濃縮所帶來的經濟效益不容小覷。 根據全量分析結果顯示,廢液晶面板之銦金屬含量約0.35-0.38mg In/g LCD,酸浸結果受粒徑大小、固液比、酸液濃度與酸浸漬時間影響;實驗結果顯示,以粒徑100 μm、3N HCl酸浸漬液、固液比25g LCD/50 ml HCL與反應時間30分鐘可以獲得最佳酸浸漬結果,酸浸溶蝕效率約70%。根據批次實驗結果,當萃取劑(D2EHPA)濃度由0.05 M上升至0.25 M,銦離子的萃取效率由50%上升至98%,此外2N HCl可以有效將銦離子從D2EHPA中與其他離子分離並反萃取至水相溶液中,整體回收率約85%,濃縮程度約4.5倍。 本研究根據批次實驗結果設定SLMSD之最佳操作參數,酸浸漬液中的銦離子濃度為140.9mg In/L;銦離子回收濃度與回收效率隨反應時間上升,但純度隨時間增加而下降。反應時間5分鐘至30分鐘,銦離子自酸浸漬液中的回收濃度由273.6mg In/L提升至709.8mg In/L,回收效率由58.9%上升至97.8%;隨著反應時間增加銦離子反而隨之下降至614mg In/L,在此操作期間銦離子純度介於71%至21.2%之間。因此,根據本研究結果,在10分鐘內透過本SLMSD裝置可快速而有效率的回收銦離子。
EngTitle Purification of rare resources recovered from regulated recyclable waste by supported liquid membran
EngAbstract Indium is a precious rare metal which has outstanding conductivity and light transmittance properties. A rapid increase of electronic applications and electronic devices in recent years leads to growing demand of indium. This project is aimed to investigate the potential indium recovery from discarded liquid crystal displays (LCDs) panels by a solvent extraction method compared to a hollow fiber supported liquid membrane with strip dispersion (SLMSD) system. Materials analysis reveals that per one kilogram of LCD power; it contains indium around 350 - 380 mg. The amount of indium extracted by hydrochloric acid was dependent on solid particle size, solid and liquid ratio (S/L), acid concentration and contact time. The maximum acid leaching efficiency of LCD was approximately 70% after dissolving LCD powder with particle size of 100 um in 3N HCl at S/L ratio of 0.5 for 30 min. In sequence, indium in HCl was subject to solvent extraction by D2EHPA solution. The results showed that the extraction rate of indium was increased from 50% to 98%, it increasing extractant concentration from 0.05 M to 0.25 M and acid back–extraction with 2N HCl can recover 85% of indium at S/L ratio of 4.5. In the continuous experiment, the SLMSD system was operated under the same batch operating conditions. The indium concentration in feed phase was about 140.9 mg/L and recovery rates were determined within 60 minutes. As expected, the concentration of indium increased from 273.6 to 709.8 mg/L when the reaction time increased from 5 to 30 minutes. This is corresponded to 58.9% and 97.8% indium recovery. However, a further increase of reaction time exhibited adverse effects by decreasing amount of extracted indium to 614 mg/L and the purity of indium in the final solution decrease from 71% to 21.2%. Based on the experiment results, it suggests that indium has high membrane transportation rate compared to other coexisted compounds and the optimum extraction rate was found at 10 minutes.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 中原大學