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Title 103年度室內空氣品質稽巡查管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫本年度共計完成86家新增納管及159家場所現場訪查作業,受訪場所之主要共通問題為(1)出風口積塵,(2)天花板發霉或破裂,(3)濾網清洗頻率不足,(4)吊扇、風扇積塵,(5)部分區域悶熱感,(6)廁所異味,(7)裝修工程油漆及揮發性有機溶劑味道明顯,(8)壁癌問題嚴重,(9)環境清潔度偏低及(10)室外污染逸散進室內。在專責人員設置情形調查方面,本團隊特協商環訓所代訓單位-崑山科技大學,至屏東縣內辦理1場次專責人員訓練班,因地利便於上課,大幅提升受訓意願,且在透過計畫訪查時不斷宣導,已使得縣內考取專責人員人數明顯增加(較102年增加25名)。第一批公告列管之12個場所,已6家完成設置及報請環保局核備、3家考取證書待報請核備、1家考證中、2家待訓。建議下年度應持續追蹤第一批公告列管之專責人員建置情形。在維護管理制度推動方面,已全面配合環保署函頒維護管理計畫文件格式進行輔導建置,新增列管場所部分,已有9家建置完成;既有納管場所部分,已有11家已完成建置,47家已依新公告格式完成轉置,其第一批公告列管場所,本計畫均已全數協助建置完成。在巡查檢測方面,新增納管場所共計執行85家、643點次的巡查檢測,其中CO2高值發生率為3.7%、CO高值發生率為0%、甲醛高值發生率為5.3%、TVOC高值發生率為2.6%、PM2.5高值發生率為4.2%、PM10高值發生率為2.6%;而在既有納管場所追蹤複查作業,共計執行159家、1,436點次的巡查檢測,其中CO2高值發生率為11.3%、CO高值發生率為0%、甲醛高值發生率為12.0%、TVOC高值發生率為10.5%、PM2.5高值發生率為0.3%、PM10高值發生率為0.5%。在標準值檢測方面,本年度已完成15家室內空氣品質標準值檢測作業。其中,社會福利綜合館、家樂福屏東店、國立屏東大學屏商校區及國立屏東科技大學之甲醛濃度逾標準值,經本團隊輔導並進行複測後,各場所皆已符合室內空氣品質標準。另外,屏東縣環保局及勞保局屏東辦事處均可能因採自然通風方式至PM10或PM2.5受到外氣影響,而有超過標準之情形。而在定期檢測作業部分,建議應定期追蹤第一批公告場所定期檢測預算編列情形及未來執行規劃,以期使得以全數符合法規之要求。在宣導說明會辦理成效方面,本年度共計辦理五場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,共計265單位332人與會,各場次均至少有50人參與,宣導會成效十分良好。經問卷調查結果,79%與會人員瞭解室內空氣品質管理法之規定。另辦理跨局處會議,與各局處進行溝通協商優先針對所轄場所進行現場環境檢視,以避免未來公告時而無法即時因應。除此之外,本計畫已建置IAQ輔導診斷團名單,今年度特針對衛生福利部屏東醫院、東港安泰醫院、臺鐵屏東車站、寶建醫院及屏東大學屏商校區圖書館等5個場所辦理室內空氣品質輔導改善作業,並提出相關建議供場所作為未來改善之參考。本團隊已於10月30日於屏東縣政府完成室內空氣品質監測訊號傳輸示範觀摩作業,並同步將102年度示範場所中之二氧化碳監測數據傳輸至專屬網站,供民眾參閱及查詢。在宣導文宣方面,本計畫已分別於6月30日及9月30日提送1000份宣導手冊及600份宣導品,同時協助環保局以郵寄的方式,將宣導手冊寄送歷年已執行過訪查之場所。另本團隊已於計畫執行期間更新「屏東縣室內空氣品質資訊網」專屬網頁,將其分為民眾版、學術版、廠商專區及後台管理等四個部分,並持續更新相關內容。
EngTitle The 2014 Project on Indoor Air Quality Inspection and Management for Pingtung County
EngAbstract The project has accomplished eighty six for new registered premises and one hundred and fifty nine original registered premises field inspections during the implementation period. Ten major problems according to these inspections we found: (1) accumulation of dust at the venting outlet; (2) mold growing or broken on the ceiling; (3) insufficient cleaning frequency for air conditioning filters; (4) accumulation of dust at the fans; (5) feel muggy in parts of field; (6) odor from toilet; (7) odor of painting or solvent which from interior decoration; (8) problems of wall cancer; (9) unclean indoor environment; (10) indoor pollution emission from outdoor.With respect to the establishment investigation of dedicated personnel position, we coordinated the associated agency of Environmental Professionals Training Institute-Kun Shan University to hold one indoor air quality management session in Pingtung County, which greatly enhances the volition of receiving training. The number of qualified dedicated personnel has increased obviously (twenty five more than the last year) through localized training and ongoing demonstration. In the first batch of twelve announced premises, six have gotten approval for reference, three have obtained qualification certificates, one has been waiting for qualification examination and two have been waiting for training. We suggest that the EPB keep tracing the establishment of dedicated personnel position next year.As to the promotion of indoor air quality management, the project team has comprehensively guided registered premises to establish the new issued format of maintenance and management plan. Nine of new registered premises and eleven of original registered premises have established their maintenance and management plans included the twelve announced premises, and forty seven of original registered premises have transferred to new format.With respect to inspection testing, the project team has executed six hundred and forty three times for eighty five new registered premises during field inspection service. The high value ratio for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, total volatile organic compounds, PM2.5 and PM10 are 3.7%, 0%, 5.3%, 2.6%, 4.2% and 2.6% respectively. Meanwhile, the project team has also executed one thousand four hundred and thirty six times for one hundred and fifty nine original registered premises during tracing inspection service. The high value ratio for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde total volatile organic compounds, PM2.5 and PM10 are 11.3%, 0%, 12.0%, 10.5%, 0.3% and 0.5% respectively. As regards the analysis for indoor air quality standards, fifteen selected premises had accomplished. In these premises, the formaldehyde concentration of Pingtung Welfare Service College Center, Carrefour, National Pingtung University and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology failed to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards. However, all of four premises mentioned above had met the standards after retesting. On the other hand, the PM2.5 and PM10 concentration of Pingtung County Environment Protection Bureau and Bureau of Labor Insurance Pingtung Local Office failed to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards due to outdoor air pollution. To let the first batch of announced premises meet the regulation requirement, the project team suggests that the EPB should keep tracking their budget planning and execution schedules of the periodic indoor air quality examination. Five regulation demonstration workshops had been held in this year, and three hundred and thirty two persons (require fifty at least) from two hundred and fifty six premises attended. As a result of questionnaire survey, 79% of attendance realized the regulation of Indoor Air Quality Management Act. In cross-division conference, the project team coordinates attended divisions to focus on field inspection of their premises within jurisdiction, so as to response timely in future. Furthermore, the project team held indoor air quility well-rounded guidance for premises this year for five premises, and also gave consulting service as a reference for future improvement, the well-rounded guidance which took places in Ministry of Health and Welfare Pingtung Hospital, Antai Medical Care Cooperation Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Railways Administration Pingtung Station and Paochien Hospital. The indoor air quality monitoring signal transmission demonstration of Pingtung County Government had accomplished on October 30, and monitoring data uploaded to “Indoor Air Quility Information Website of Pingtung County” at same time for further inquiry. As regards the demonstration literature, the project submitted one thousand copies of demonstration brochures and six hundred pieces of demonstration souvenirs on June 30 and of September 30, and assisted the Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Bureau in mailing brochures to registered premises inspected. The project divides the entrance pages of “Indoor Air Quility Information Website of Pingtung County” into four parts, which includes “public version”, “academic version”, “premise region” and “back-stage management” and keeps updating relative contents during implementation period.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環佑實業有限公司