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Title 水環境家園守望襄助保育計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫為協助水環境巡守隊組織朝深化及多元化方向邁進,工作項目共計五大項目:1.推廣水環境家園守望計畫、2.民眾參與水環境守護策略研析、3.進行全國水環境巡守統籌執行、輔導經營及管理評核、4.經營管理河川生態環境教室、5.整合重點河川沿岸非政府組織參與河川污染整治工作。巡守隊組織運作部分,執行縣市環保局評核與優良水環境巡守隊評選作業,並召開1場次年度啟動研商會議,與縣市說明今年度之發展重點並進行意見交流。另辦理2場次地方政府績效考評會議,與1場次優良巡守隊評選作業。水環境保育推廣部分,辦理2場巡守隊經營討論會議、2場次河川關懷活動、2場次志工培訓課程,結合水環境巡守事務,共同進行經驗之交流。另外,為能使民眾抒發對河川之心聲,於鹽水溪及二仁溪辦理4場次之河川民間討論會議,確實達民眾參與及全民監督之成效。除上述,年度發行4期水環境守望季刊,且針對巡守隊歷年發展成果進行分析,並應用文獻收集及案例分析已研擬未來發展方向。
EngTitle Water conservation programs to help in the Rye home environment
EngAbstract This year, the water environmental patrol team organization planned to diversify and enhance the directions that they been working on, the planning is organized into five main category: 1. To promote the water environmental protection/conservation plan to the public, 2. Have the general public actively participate in the water environmental protection plan at the same time have the people involved in the decision making and consulting, 3. Execute nationwide water environmental standard and control counseling assessment, by providing help on operational organization and standard assessments, 4. Startup and organize water environmental classes that focus on the organization and how to take care of the river’s ecological system, 5. Have integration focused and stationed by the riverside with non-governmental organization to help and participate in the work of improving the river and getting rid of the potential pollution.Operation of the organization part of the patrol teams perform counties EPA assessment of water environment select through prestigious patrol team operations, and will hold a meeting to study and analysis annual screenings, furthermore the counties will illustrate the developmental priorities and exchange different views and perspective. There will also be two local government performance evaluation and one excellent patrol team assessment meeting. Promotion of water conservation will be done by holding two field patrol team meeting to discuss business, two river care promotional activities, two volunteer training courses combined with the water environment patrol services and the sharing of common experiences. In addition, to enable people to express the aspirations for Yanshui River (鹽水溪) and Erren River (二仁溪) four meetings will be held for the general public conference discussion, and focus and emphasize on delivering the effectiveness of public participation and citizen monitoring . In addition to all of the above, the annual Water Environmental Conservation issued four magazines on the work analyzed for the patrol team development results over the years, and applied literature collection and case analysis has devised the future direction of development.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司