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Title 103年建置ARM自動資源回收機器結合捷運一卡通自動加值系統暨宣導作業
Abstract (1)透過自動資源回收機器的壓縮,大幅減少回收物的體積,以便進行回收工作。另藉由此種創新的回收管道,提高資源回收的效率,推廣隨手做環保的概念,建立本市環保城市形象。(2)透過自動資源回收機器結合捷運一卡通加值服務,提升民眾資源回收的意願,並增加民眾多加利用捷運系統的機會,雙管齊下達成節能減碳的目標。(3)藉由自動資源回收機器的設置,作為資源回收自動化示範,進而吸引民間企業參與,未來冀能在各大重要交通樞紐、社區、學校或風景區,建立更完整的自動化回收管道,使可再利用的資源得以不斷循環利用。
EngTitle 2014 Automatic Recycling Machine combined with KRT iPASS Automatic Add-Value System Project
EngAbstract (1) Through an automatic recycling compressor, the volume of recycled materials will be significantly reduced to ease the recycling efforts. Also, this innovative recycling method can be used to improve the efficiency of resource recovery, promote the concept of anytime recycling and establish our reputation as a green city(2) By combining automatic recycling machines and MRT’s iPASS value-added services, this two-pronged strategy will enhance both the public willingness to support resource recovery and the opportunity for people to make use of MRT system to further achieve the carbon emission reduction target.(3) By setting automatic recycling machines as a model of resource recovery automation to attract private enterprises to participate, it is hoped that a more complete system of automatic recycling can be built in major transportation hubs, communities, schools, or scenic areas to make recyclable resources be used continuously.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司