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Title 非點源污染削減管理及水庫優養化控制策略推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署為提升臺灣河川水庫水體水質,從民國97年陸續推行各項承受水體水質維護改善計畫,並在102年發布降雨逕流非點源污染最佳管理技術指引,期能進一步提升我國河川水庫水體品質。本計畫執行項目包括(1)完成降雨逕流量及非點源污染量控制推估技術工具;(2)研訂非點源污染最佳管理技術申請及審查指引;(3)提出我國優養化水庫之水質改善策略;(4)蒐集國際間非點源污染管制處理技術及水庫優養化與藻華控制策略最新資訊;(5)協助相關事宜及辦理協商會。計畫已獲致成果可為後續之執行參考,包括發展適用之降雨逕流量及非點源污染量控制推估技術工具;彙整BMPs技術指引執行現況,並製作申請及審查指引,以及召開諮詢說明會議;分析101年至103年20座水庫優養化水質,並以103年6座具優養化潛勢水庫(石門、明德、白河、南化、鏡面及鳳山水庫)為分析重點,期間召開水庫水質協商會議,提出改善水體水質之具體可行措施。蒐集美國、日本、澳洲及德國與歐盟等國家執行非點源污染管制及水庫優養化與藻華控制策略、處理技術。
EngTitle A Study of NPS Elimination and Eutrophication Control in Reservoir
EngAbstract Since 2008, the ROC Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has carried out the plans of water quality improvement for primary rivers and reservoirs in Taiwan. In 2013, the EPA launched the “Guidance Manual of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Storm Water Discharge Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollutant Elimination” to eliminate the NPS from construction activities. In order to achieve the goal, the tasks of this project include :(1) developing the Storm Water Calculator (SWC) of BMPs evaluation; (2) completing the guideline of the BMPs application and examination; (3) presenting the water quality improvement strategies for eutrophic reservoir; (4) reviewing the literature on NPS control, eutrophication control and algal bloom control in reservoir; (5) held meetings to consult and discuss with each other. The Storm Water Calculator and planning guide of BMPs is completed preliminarily based on “Guidance Manual of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Storm water Discharge Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollutant Elimination” which could be used to evaluate BMPs application. The water qualities of six eutrophication potential reservoirs (Shimen Reservoir, Mingde Reservoir, Baihe Reservoir, Nanhua Reservoir, Jingmian Reservoir and Fengshan Reservoir) are investigated and evaluated based on the data of water monitoring in 2014 and the water quality improvement strategies of those six reservoirs are presented in this project. Meanwhile, the EPA, local government of reservoir, and the experts consulted together about the water quality improvement strategies and watershed management of those six reservoirs. Moreover, relevant literature of eutrophication strategy is reviewed which including USA, Japan, Australia and European Union (e.g. Germany).
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺北科技大學