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Title 回收廢鉛蓄電池之含鉛集塵灰資材化研究
Abstract 鉛蓄電池是各類電池中產量最大、用途最廣的電池之一,它所消耗的鉛占全球鉛消費量的82%。當鉛蓄電池的需求量愈大,產量愈高時,廢鉛蓄電池就愈多。鉛蓄電池本身及其使用過程並不污染環境,主要污染來自金屬鉛冶煉過程、電池生產與再生鉛加工過程的排放與管理不當,冶煉製程中伴隨衍生的含鉛集塵灰需妥善資材化,才可徹底解決鉛蓄電池原料與廢電池再生的問題。然而台灣缺乏金屬礦物資源,因此回收再生鉛資源化含鉛集塵灰再利用,降低對原料鉛需求,延續鉛相關產業永業經營。目前鉛蓄電池回收仍以火法冶煉程序回收金屬鉛,回收過程中所產出的含鉛集塵灰為主要資材化處理對象,本技術利用酸浸漬程序搭配焙燒資源化處理流程。初步效益評估國內回收鉛蓄電池業者,每月含鉛集塵灰總量約150噸,每年利潤約五佰萬元以上,本製程亦可以提升國內相關回收鉛冶煉製程附加價值,降低一次鉛料使用,並綠能製程為氧化鉛或硫酸鉛等生產品之微細粉末,不僅改善回收鉛冶煉對環境嚴重污染與大幅降低鉛製程能耗,且降低環境污染與增加產值。本計畫應用領域不僅為含鉛集塵灰再利用,更可拓展於國內其他相關廢鉛渣、廢鉛膏等含有混合鉛化物廢棄物之高值化加值應用。
EngTitle A study of lead-contained dust from spent lead-acid batteries by resources recycling technology
EngAbstract According to research by the Battery Council International, lead-acid battery is the largest and the most widely used battery products, about 82% of global consumption of lead. More than 97% of all spent lead-acid batteries are recycled. When using more lead beteries, we have more lead-contained waste. Using lead-acid battery does not pollute the environment; however, lead-contained dust is the main pollution comes from lead-acid batteries in the smelting recycling process. There is no lead mineral in Taiwan, so it is crucial to recycle, even from the lead-contained dust. When using lead-acid batteries are brought to recycling, they are treated under strict environmental procedures by a combination of leaching and roasting processes, in order to reuse valuable materials into car industry (ex, lead oxide powder(PbO), lead sulfate powder(PbSO4)). Preliminary evaluation of lead-acid batteries recycling industry in Taiwan, the total lead-contained dust quantity is about 150 tons per month and it can create about more than NTD$ 5 million profit per year. The project makes lead-contained dust form spent lead-acid batteries recycling extremely successful respectively from both environment and cost. Applications of this project is not only for recycling lead-contained dust, it can also expand to other relative waste lead slag, waste lead paste, and mixed solid wastes.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會