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Title 以無人飛行載具空拍臺灣海岸環境計畫
Abstract 本計畫案採用無人飛行載具進行臺灣海岸環境空拍,以調查海岸線週邊環境現況。空拍作業時程自103年8月至103年10月,共計完成西部12個臨海縣市(新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣市、苗栗縣、臺中市、彰化縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣),總計188.1公里長度的海岸線範圍環境現況空拍。空拍作業成果為解析度20公分以上之正射空拍影像,以及動態影片電子檔,並同時紀錄空拍影像之全球衛星定位系統定位資訊,獲得精確坐標的台灣地區海岸線空拍影像。本案以低廉的作業成本快速取得大量高解析度的海岸現況最新影像,可做為環境調查、污染監測、開發現況等需求的重要基礎資料。並已由大量高解析度影像中,有效的篩選出疑似違規或污染之情形,作為違規查緝與後續改善之參考資料,其預期效益將使臺灣西海岸未來的污染與違規事件無所遁形。
EngTitle Unmanned Aircraft System for Taiwan coastal and environmental monitoring
EngAbstract This project conducted a survey of coastline's current situations via UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) aerial photography throughout Taiwan. The project took place between August and October of 2014 and surveyed 12 counties along the west coast from New Taipei City to Pingtung County, a total of 188.1Km. Film resolution for the project is at least 20*20cm orthophotos and videos.GPS information is recorded for increased coordinate accuracy on all aerial photos.This project used lower cost to obtain a large quantity of high resolution, in-time images of coastline areas in a short period of time. This information can be utilized in environmental surveys, monitoring pollution levels as well as for reference in developing sites.We can also use this information to screen environmental degradation, as well as used in investigation and amelioration. The benefit of this information will be increased observation and knowledge of environmental concerns dealing with pollution along Taiwan's west coast.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 經緯衛星資訊股份有限公司