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Title 微萃取技術開發(2/4)-水中農藥類檢測方法建立
Abstract 本計畫以新的微萃取技術評估131種農藥。在本計畫中評估攪拌子吸附萃取(SBSE)與分散液液微萃取(DLLME)等新的微萃取技術應用於水中之農藥類化合物。本計畫研究結果顯示,SBSE以雙磁石之研究方法進行萃取時,萃取效率最佳。此方法取5mL水樣,先以第一顆攪拌子進行萃取,再添加30%氯化鈉後以第二顆攪拌子進行萃取,將兩顆攪拌子置於熱脫附管中。以熱脫附/氣相層析質譜法進行定量。添加濃度 0.4µg/ L與0.1µg/ L之農藥於水中時,131種農藥中有112 種農藥回收率超過70%。DLLME方法以甲苯為萃取溶劑測定10 µg/ L之濃度的化合物時,有125種農藥回收率大於70%。但是絕大部分的農藥在 1µg/ L時無法測得。以SBSE進行樣品前處理明顯可測至更低濃度。 本計畫選擇SBSE 方式進行真實樣品評估。真實樣品來源於台南二仁溪、高雄澄清湖及鳳山水庫,在真實樣品中並未發現待測物存在,添加之回收率測試結果顯示112種農藥回收率皆大於70%
EngTitle Microextraction technology Development (2/4) – Extraction Method Development for Pesticides in Water
EngAbstract This project is to investigate the determination of 131 pesticides in water by microextraction technique. Two method including stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) were selected for evaluation. For SBSE,The dual SBSE method showed good recovies. In this method, first stir bar was used for extraction 5 mL water sample, 30% NaCl was added when the extraction was completed. The second stir bar was added to the sample for second time extraction. These two stir bars were put into thermal desorption tube. The quantification was perfomed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometer. . The result showed when using dual stir bars for extraction, there are good recoveries for 112 pesticides at 0.4 µg/ L and 0.1 µg/ L level. For DLLME, good recoveries were found when using toluene as extraction solvent and acetone as dispersive solvent at 10 µg/ L level for 125 pescitides. There are rare pesticides can be found at 1µg/ L.The real samples from the Tainan Erhjen River and Kaohsiung Chengcing Lake, Fongshan Reservoir Lake were investigated in this studyr, the samples did not find these analytes, The spiking recoveries were well (>70%) for those 112 test compounds. The resulted showed that the SBSE method for pesticide extraction in water has the potential to become standard method.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 嘉南藥理大學