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Title 環境奈米檢測技術開發(2/4)-「水中富勒烯檢測方法建立」
Abstract 許多商業化奈米產品已出現在市面上,在環境中的流佈及其潛在的生態毒性受到廣泛重視。相關的環境檢測技術受到環境基質干擾與微量有許多技術上之瓶頸。因此本計畫旨在建立一適宜之水中富勒烯檢測方法。本年度以奈米粒徑追蹤儀鑑定三種超音波法製備水相富勒烯奈米聚集物在純水及環境水體(自來水及水庫水)中之粒徑及粒徑分佈,並開發一新的蒸乾回溶法可以定量製備出來之水相富勒烯奈米聚集物濃度,另對添加至不同水樣中之富勒烯作液相微萃取,再以紫外/可見光譜儀(UV/Vis)定量。在不對稱場流分離儀方面,本年度探討添加濃度、注射體積及薄膜種類三參數對三種奈米富勒烯分析進行探討。除了實驗室所製備之三種參考奈米物質外,亦針對市面上含富勒烯成份之產品做本年度所建立分析方法之驗證,並以高效液相層析串聯光二極陣列偵測器(HPLC-PDA)及液相層析質譜儀(HPLC-APPI-MS/MS)定量。
EngTitle Developing Environmental Analytical Methods for Nanomaterials (2/4)- Analytical Methods of Fullerene
EngAbstract Large amounts nanomaterials are fabricated as versatile products in the markets with the fast developing nanotechnology and manufacturing processes. Carboneous nanomaterials, such as fullerene nanoparticles, are widely used in various commercial products and have potential ecotoxicity and risks for human health. Three fullerenes nanoparticles prepared by sonication (SON/nC60, SON/nC70, SON/nPC60BM) were characterized by a Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer (NTA), determined by a proposed Evaporation-redissolved approach and spiked into tap water, reservoir and sewage samples. These aqueous samples were then used liquid-liquid micro-extraction (LLME) to transfer into toluene and determined by a UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Asymmetric flow field flow-fractionation (AF4) were applied to separate the fullerene nanoparticles. The spiked fullerenes were also determined by a high performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA) and a HPLC-APPI-MS/MS. Furthermore, one commercial fullerenes-containing cosmetic was used to valid our analytical methods.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立交通大學防災與水環境研究中心