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Title 103年嘉義市低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫
Abstract   本年度低碳永續家園工作之推動,自簽約日103年4月29日起執行至12月31日止,除持續推動召開4場次維持運作體系相關會議,以及召開共8場次認養之「綠色運輸」、「設備節能」運作機能技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,並配合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)低碳永續家園評等與分級認證制度試辦,推動縣市、區、里層級參與評等與分級認證,且持續推動節能診斷輔導及辦理節能減碳相關業務工作,協助嘉義市於本年度加入地方環境行動國際委員會(ICLEI),以及簽署墨西哥城市協定等。在協助縣市、區、里層級參與評等與分級認證工作成果,本年度已協助嘉義市取得入圍,並升等至銅級候選資格;東區區公所獲得銅級認證,西區區公所已取得入圍,並升等至銅級候選資格;協助31個里入圍,其中有1個里獲得銀級認證,14個里獲得銅級認證。在推動並強化低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考工作,協助追蹤、彙整各局處推動「綠能城市 低碳家園」五大綠能面向執行成果,在交通綠能已推動柴油車自主管理、推動低污染車輛、公用自行車免費借用服務等,每年可減少4,207.3公噸CO2e;工業綠能已推動工業自主節水、節電、使用低污染性燃料等,每年可減少4,169公噸CO2e;住商綠能則由機關學校帶頭推動用電、用水、用油、用紙四省專案,協助節能診斷輔導及改善,以及推動寺廟節能措施等,每年可減少2,072公噸CO2e;再生綠能部分執行資源分類回收、垃圾焚化廠執行節能措施,每年可減少17噸碳排放量;植栽綠能主要增加綠化面積,每年約可減少8,664公噸CO2e。103年社區節能輔導工作,由嘉義市節能輔導團完成7處集合式住宅、2處幼兒園、1處文教補習班、1處飯店、1處辦公大樓、1處賣場、1處餐廳、1處文具量販店共計15處之節能診斷服務;另與經濟部中小企業處合作推動中小企業節能輔導,由中小企業處之節能輔導團協助本市2處企業進行現場節能診斷服務。依據現場節能診斷結果,提供受輔導單位一份節能診斷報告書,提出包含電力、照明及空調系統的改善,以及執行屋頂植栽綠化、安裝省水器材等之改善建議另估算改善成本及節能減碳效益,提供受輔導單位作為節能改善工程執行之參考。本年度媒合能源技術服務業(ESCO)協助9處進行節能改善工程評估,其中2處為本年度節能輔導後有意願進行節能改善之單位,經廠商提出工程方案、經費及合作模式後,共計有3處完成節能改善工程施工合約簽訂,改善工程於104年2月前完成,改善後可減少50.47公噸CO2e/年。追蹤102年57處受輔導單位,共計有28處有實際推動節能改善工程,依據18處受輔導單位提供改善後之102年1月~103年10月電費單統計,改善後節能率為0.06%~55.6%,節電量約為13萬9,656度,以能源局公告102年電力排放係數0.522公斤CO2e/度計算,減少72.9公噸CO2e。為鼓勵市民設置太陽能熱水系統,善用嘉義市日照優勢,有效利用天然能源,降低溫室氣體排放,辦理103年安裝太陽能熱水器抽大獎活動,凡設籍於嘉義市之住戶、企業、私人醫療院所,且於103年1月1日至10月15日完成太陽能熱水器安裝者均可參加,本次報名參加共177戶,安裝面積共814.55平方公尺,若以國際能源總署(IEA)統計我國境內的太陽能熱水系統每平方公尺集熱面積每年可節省52公斤瓦斯,可減少190公斤二氧化碳排放計算,報名參加抽獎活動之安裝戶,約可節省42.36公噸瓦斯,可減少約154.76公噸二氧化碳排放量。未來工作推動,建議持續協助各里參加低碳永續家園評等與認證,落實各項運作機能之行動項目,協助社區持續推動設備節電、低碳生活之工作,並結合鄰近學校,提供學生至社區服務機會,除讓學生參與社區工作外,另一方面也可借用學生之影響力,對社區事務推動想法,提供社區在網路、產品設計行銷推廣之建議。另建議推廣契約用戶、公部門設置雲端智慧監控及智慧型電錶,掌握用電狀況及耗電設備以進行節能改善,另與社區、建商或太陽能相關公會共同合作推廣高效能熱水供應器及再生能源,以社區範圍之再生能源推廣往外逐步擴大。
EngAbstract The promotion of low-carbon sustainable development of the year started from the contract day on 29 Apr 2014 till 31 Dec 2014. Apart from setting 4 consecutive meetings into action to maintain the operating system, 8 team meetings related to the adoption of “green transportation” and “energy saving of the facilities” were taken place to discuss the operational performance technology and to provide information and advices. Furthermore, to cooperate with assessmentson the low-carbon sustainable development and trail runs of the classification and certification system proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (herein after shortened as EPA), not only assessment, classification and certification activities were promoted among neighborhoods, districts and cities / counties, but also power saving diagnosis and consultations were carried out sustainably. Furthermore, power saving and carbon reduction related projects were carried out such as assisting Chiayi City to join the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and sign "the Mexico City Pact”.While assisting government institutions at all levels to participate in assessment, classification and certification activities, Chiayi City also succeeded in entering the nomination list and upgraded with bronze-level qualification this year. That is, not only the East District Office of Chiayi City received the bronze-level certification, but also the West District Office successfully entered the nomination list and upgraded with a bronze-level qualification. Besides, 31 neighborhoods also entered the nomination list, where one of them received the silver-level certification and 14 received the bronze-lever certification. While the low-carbon sustainable development operating system has been promoted and strengthened and related performance evaluation activities have been conducted to track and summarize implementation results of the five major green power oriented project “A green power city and a low carbon homeland”, and while the CO2e was reduced around 4,207.3 tons every year due to the promotion of autonomous management of diesel vehicles,(1) low-pollution vehicles and free public bicycle lending services, industrial green power already promoted autonomous saving for water / electricity and put the clean energy concept into practice to reduce 4,169 tons of CO2e every year; (2) residential and commercial green power is managed to reduce 2,072 tons of CO2e every year through the diagnosis, guidelines and improvements of the 4 savings projects (electricity, water, fuel and paper savings) initiated by institutes and schools as well as power-saving measures for temples; (3) renewable green power has not only carried out resource classification and recycling, but also implemented power saving measures in incineration plants to reduce about 17 tons of carbon emission every year, and; (4) planting green power can reduce 8,664 tons of CO2e everyyear by increasing the afforested area.Regarding communities’power saving project, the advisory group of Chiayi City has completed power saving diagnosis in 15 areas including 7 aggregate residences, 2 kindergartens, 1 cultural and educational tutoring center, 1 hotel, 1 business building, 1 retail store, 1 restaurant and 1 stationary discount center. Besides, under the cooperation with the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (Ministry of Economic Affairs), the power saving advisory group of Chiayi City also assisted 2 companies to carry out on-site power saving evaluation services. According to on-site power saving evaluation results, advised units are provided with a power saving evaluation report with suggested improvements on the electricity, lighting and air-conditioning systems, greenery plantation on roofs and installation of water-saving facilities. Besides, improvement costs and benefits of power saving and carbon reduction activities are also estimated as a reference for advised units to implement improvement projects.Among the 9 units assisted by the Energy Services Company (ESCO) to carry out an evaluation on power saving improvement works, 2 of them having shown their willingness to have improvements on power saving after the consultation this year. After the supplier provided engineering projects, budget and cooperation pattern, 3 units have signed the power saving improvement project contract and completed the improvement works before the end of February 2015 with an estimated reduction of 50.47 tons of CO2e per year.Looking at 57 advised units in 2013, 28 of them have actually carried out power saving related improvement works. According to 14 advised units’ electricity bills from Jan of 2014 to Oct 2014, the power saving rate after the improvement is between 0.06% and 55.6%, totally saved 139,656 degrees. Having this number calculated based on the electricity emission factor of 0.522 kg CO2e per degree, about 72.9 tons of CO2e were reduced.To encourage citizens to install solar heating systems in order to well-use the City’s advantages on having plentiful sunshine and to lower the greenhouse gas emission by using natural resources effectively, the 2014 Solar Heating Facility Lucky Draw was taken place. That is, residents, companies and private medical institutions registered in Chiayi City and installed solar heating facilities from 1 Jan 2014 to 15 Oct 2014 are eligible to join the campaign. There were 177 households joined this campaigned with an installation surface of 814.55m2. According to the statistics of International Energy Agency (IEA), the solar heating system within the territory of the R.O.C. can save 52 kg of gas per square meter of heat-absorbing surface, which is about 190 kg of carbon dioxide. The installation households registered in this lucky draw can save about 42.36 tons of gas and reduce 154.76 tons of carbon dioxide emission. Regarding the future promotion, it is suggested to sustainably assist neighborhoods to participate in the assessment and certification of low-carbon sustainable development, to facilitate each operating function, to assist the communities to sustainably promote power saving facilities and low carbon life, and to co-work with surrounding schools to provide students the community service opportunity. That is, apart from encouraging students to participate in community works, students’ influences are also used to create ideas on community related affairs, which are used as recommendations on communities’ promotion of network and product design and marketing. Besides, it is also suggested to promote the installation of cloud intelligence surveillance and intelligence electric meter to manage the status of electricity consumption and power consumption facilities for power saving related improvements. Besides, cooperations with the community, constructors or solar energy related associations also formed into shape to promote high-efficiency water heating facilities and regeneration power, where the range of solar energy is gradually expanded from the community.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 傳閔工程股份有限公司