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Title 底泥生物慢毒性檢測技術之建立與應用(2/2)
Abstract 全底泥毒性測試在底泥污染物生態風險評估上的重要性日漸增加。本年度主要工作為瞭解野外底泥對生物的影響,並評估所得結果與底泥污染物分析進行比對,以了解環境底泥污染程度與測試物種成長表現是否具有相關性。本計畫之整體目標為彙整國外現行底泥生物慢毒性測試技術文獻、進行底泥中各類污染物濃度及利用反應商數評估其污染等級、利用已建立之兩種底泥慢毒性測方法(端足目(Hyalella azteca)與鰍科大鱗泥鰍 (Paramisgurnus dabryanus) 存活/成長效應)與底泥品質規範中各類污染物(重金屬、多環芳香烴、總多氯聯苯及有機氯殺蟲劑)之相關性評估。本計畫完成15篇文獻蒐集及四條溪流(牛稠溪、二仁溪及支流三爺溪、後勁溪及東港溪)共20個底泥樣品化學分析(包括重金屬、多環芳香烴、總多氯聯苯及有機氯殺蟲劑)及生物慢毒性試驗。由重金屬分析結果顯示,以LK2樣站受重金屬污染甚重,僅砷未超過管制下限,其餘均高於下限值,其中Ni 、Zn及Hg濃度更高於管制上限值之1.3~3.8倍之間;所有測站中以鎳高於管制下限之比例居冠、鋅次之,顯示鎳、鋅可能普遍存在於溪流底泥中,又以汞檢出率最低(60%),但以砷未超過管制下限比例最高。由多環芳香烴分析結果可得知,Fluoranthene、Pyrene、Benzo(a) anthracene化合物在所有底泥樣品中檢出率為100%,但檢出濃度皆未超過管制下限。20個樣站中以SY1樣站受PAHs污染最明顯,僅Dibenz(a,h) perylene未檢出;其次在LK2、HJ1均檢出14種PAHs。另外,Acenspthalene 在ER2, ER3及ER6測站中高於管制上限值,顯示多環芳香烴普遍存在於調查溪流底泥中。其它化學分析包括總多氯聯苯及有機氯殺蟲劑分析結果均小於檢測極限。Hyalella azteca毒性評估結果顯示環境樣品底泥對於端足蟲具有一定之危害性,以SY1、SY3及HJ1所採集之28d生物體存活率為35, 8.8及0%為毒性效應較明顯之測站,而體重(成長效應)亦低於控制組32-39%,顯示利用無脊椎動物偵測底泥污染物質之綜合效應有一定敏感度。另外,本計畫將大鱗泥鰍飼育於含野外底泥之環境8週後,評估其體長、體重、飼料轉換率、肥滿度、活存率及特定成長率,並以參考底泥組進行比對,以了解這20個樣點底泥是否對大鱗泥鰍具負面影響。由大鱗泥鰍成長的結果來看,各底泥樣站組魚隻與參考底泥魚隻的活存率、肥滿度及飼料轉換率皆沒有顯著性差異 (p>0.05),但SY2、ER1、ER5、HJ2、HJ3、HJ4及 DG1底泥的魚隻體長皆明顯較參考底泥魚隻的體長來的小 (p<0.05)。若由體重及特定成長率來看,魚隻暴露於ER1、HJ1、HJ3、HJ4及HJ5的底泥8週後,其體重及特定成長率皆明顯較參考底泥組魚隻來的差 (p<0.05)。化學分析指標與 Hyalella azteca 慢毒性試驗存活/成長效應經 Spearman rank correlation 分析結果顯示重金屬鎳及有機氯農藥之 PEC-Q對 H. azteca 成長效應(體長)之影響具顯著相關(p<0.05);多環芳香烴化合物 Benzo(a) -anthracene 對 H. azteca成長效應(重量)具顯著相關(p<0.05), 而PAHs 總毒性當量則是與 H. azteca成長效應(體長)具顯著相關(p<0.05)。Paramisgurnus dabryanus的活存率、體長、體重、肥滿度及特定成長率與所有化學分析濃度及相關指標均不具顯著相關。因此,要實際了解環境底泥對生物的影響,除化學分析外,生物毒性的評估提供較實際且有價值的資訊。
EngTitle The development and application of whole sediment chronic toxicity tests (2/2)
EngAbstract Whole-sediment toxicity tests are increasingly being used in ecological risk assessments of sediment contaminants. Two sediment chronic toxicity tests were used to predict the sublethal effects of chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) on a sediment-dwelling amphipod (Hyalella azteca) and a fish (Paramisgurnus dabryanus). Sublethal endpoints measured and reported herein include the survival and growth of H. azteca and growth of Paramisgurnus dabryanus exposed to field sediments. Toxicity and chemical analyses (metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and organochlorine pesticides) of sediments from four watersheds were conducted. The project has completed fifteen literature reviews. Station LK2 was severely polluted with heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn, but not As), while other metals were above sediment quality guideline lower limits. Furthermore, the detected concentrations of Hg, Ni, and Zn were 1.3 - 3.8 times higher than their maximum acceptable limits. Nickel most frequently exceeded its lower limit, followed by zinc, indicating that these two metals may be prevalent in river sediments. In contrast, mercury had the lowest detection rate (60%). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon analyses demonstrated that three PAHs, namely fluoranthene, pyrene, and benzo(a) anthracene, were detected in all samples but at concentrations below their lower limits. Additionally, station SY1 was contaminated with 15 PAHs. Dibenz(a,h)- perylene was the only non-detected compound tested for. Among 16 PAHs tested, acenaphthalene exceeded its upper limit at stations ER2, ER3, and ER6, possibly posing ecological risks. Two other classes organic contaminants (total polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides) tested for in sediments were not detected.The potential effects of contaminants in sediments were evaluated through 28-day Hyalella azteca survival/growth toxicity testing. The amphipod control group’s survival was higher than 80%, meeting acceptable minimum survivorship. Amphipod survival was reduced at stations SY1, SY3, and HJ1 to only 35, 8.8, and 0%, respectively, and average amphipod weights were 32 - 39% lower than controls. In addition, the evaluation of fish growth affected by 20 sediment samples was done for eight weeks by tracking body length, body weight, feed conversion rate, condition factor, survival, and specific growth rate of fish as indicators. No significant differences in survival, condition factor, and feed conversion rate were recorded between controls and treatments. Fish exposed to treatments with SY2, ER1, ER5, HJ2, HJ3, HJ4, and DG1 sediments had significantly shorter body lengths in comparison to controls. Significant decreases in body weight and specific growth rate were measured in fish reared under exposures to ER1, HJ2, HJ3, HJ4, and HJ5 sediments for eight weeks compared to controls.The relationships between toxicity and sediment chemical characteristics were further analyzed by a Spearman rank correlation analysis. This indicated significant correlations (P < 0.05) between H. azteca growth (body length) and nickel and the PEC-Q for organochlorine pesticides. The body weight of H. azteca was significantly correlated with Benzo(a) anthracene, although the calculated ∑ESBTU values of PAH were significantly correlated to the length of H. azteca. In addition, the survival, body length, body weight, condition factor, and specific growth rate of P. dabryanus were not significantly correlated to any of the sediment contaminants analyzed. Therefore, in addition to chemical analyses, toxicity tests can provide valuable, more realistic information toward understanding the impacts of sediment contaminants on aquatic biota.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立屏東科技大學