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Title 建構寧適家園計畫-北區環境事故專業技術小組服務計畫
Abstract 計畫目的為協助環保署建置北區環境事故專業技術小組以及協調業者成立環境事故聯防應變支援隊。於台北、宜蘭與新竹建置3組環境事故專業技術小組,每組16人(含空氣污染事件工作小隊4人),全時維持至少3人以上,24小時全年無休執行環境事故之趕赴到場支援各類事故處理、支援應變監測、採樣及善後復原工作,並強化重大空氣污染事件應變能量,提升環境事故應變時效與能力,3組出勤到場應變合計80場次(處理41件事故),並執行環保署各項儀器裝備校正、維護工作及更新轄區應變基本資料。在平時預防整備工作方面,完成129場次毒化物運作廠場臨廠輔導、61場次廠內應變無預警測試、19場次法規說明會、2場次動員研討會、2場次聯防小組組訓、43場次地方環保機關演習及執行環保署交付動員、反恐、與環境災害相關演習兵推及協助環保局完成201件次危害預防及緊急應變計畫之審查;完成工業區1121廠家毒化物運作資料蒐集,及提供轄區內縣市之毒性化學物質災害防救業務計畫書相關建議;完成派員至至新加坡毒化災應變指揮官訓練、至法國參加水域化學品污染訓練、至美國參加化災應變人員通識、操作與技術級訓練;召開1次專家及機關案例檢討交流會議,以防類似災害再發生。「環境事故之污染源分析調查」方面,完成 93件樣品分析報告;協調成立業界環境事故聯防應變支援團隊方面,已完成北區應援團隊3隊之運作機制並參與相關演訓,支援出勤或演練共9場次。
EngTitle Project for constructing a safe and comfortable homeland : The plan for the setup of northern enviro
EngAbstract The goal of this project is to assist the EPA in establishing technical teams for northern Taiwan environmental accidents and help companies establish environmental accident joint response support teams. The environmental accident technical teams established at Taipei, Yilan, and Hsinchu contain 16 individuals each (including four persons in the air pollution incident working team), and have at least three persons available at all times. The teams are ready round-the-clock to support accident response activities at accident sites, including support of response monitoring, sampling, and clean-up and recovery work. They can strengthen response capabilities in the event of major air pollution incidents, boosting the promptness and versatility of environmental accident response. The three teams have participated in a total of 80 on-site response actions (and handled 41 accidents), have implemented installation, calibration, and maintenance work involving EPA instruments, and have updated basic response data within their assigned areas. In their routine prevention and readiness work, they have completed 129 in-plant assistance sessions at toxic chemical substance handling facilities, 61 in-plant no early warning response tests, 19 explanatory meetings concerning laws and regulations, two mobilization workshops, two group training sessions for joint response task forces, 43 exercises with local environmental authorities, implementation of mobilization, anti-terror, and environmental accident exercise simulations assigned by the EPA, and assistance to bureaus of environmental protection in review of 201 hazard prevention and emergency response plans. The teams have further completed data collection for 1121 toxic chemical substance handlers in industrial parks, and provided recommendations concerning toxic chemical substance accident prevention plans for cities and counties in their areas of jurisdiction. Personnel have been sent to Singapore to take part in toxic chemical accident response commander training, to France to participate in aquatic chemical pollution training, and to the US to take part in general knowledge, operations, and technical training programs for chemical accident response personnel. One expert and agency case review conference was held to prevent the same accidents from recurring. With regard to the "environmental accident pollution source survey," 93 sample analysis reports were completed. As for coordinating the establishment of industry environmental accident joint response support team, this plan completed operating mechanisms for three teams in northern Taiwan, and participated in training, support of missions, and exercises 9 times.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 中原大學