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Title 重點河川污染整治策略評估與行動整合計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要針對全國11條重點河川(淡水河、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河)進行環境背景資料掌握更新、分析河川水質及污染來源、推估點源污染排放量,彙整既有污染整治策略推動現況,進行污染整治計畫分年分期工作目標追蹤與檢討,並配合各流域重點支排水質水量調查分析結果、水體特性、區域環境等,檢討修正或新增建議污染削減策略及推估污染削減量,並利用水質模式模擬評估水質改善效益;相關整治策略包括污水下水道系統建設、設置晴天污水截流設施、推動水質淨化現地處理設施、加強污染源稽查管制、加強輔導畜牧業廢水妥善處理及推動清潔養豬與評估設置沼氣中心等。為使各項整治措施能落實推動,透過定期籌辦11條重點河川污染整治計畫督導及協調會議,以凝聚各相關權責機關之共識,滾動檢討修正各流域污染整治策略與水質改善目標。另依據歷年重金屬水質分析結果,篩選2處重金屬污染嚴重河段,研擬重金屬污染削減與管理策略;此外,亦進行18條中央管河川整治計畫檢討與執行成效追蹤。分析全國50條河川及11條重點河川近五年及103年河川水質變化趨勢,並針對院核定計畫「不缺氧、不發臭」之河川再生願景分年目標達成情形進行分析與檢討;進一步篩選11條重點河川關鍵水質測站,分析關鍵測站污染來源與整治措施推動現況,推估應削減污染量及研擬污染削減策略並運用水質模擬預測水質改善成效。本計畫蒐集環保署補助設置之9處國家重要濕地之環境現況、操作維護及環境改善效益等資料,並辦理1場除污型人工濕地操作維護工作研習會,同時進行環保署補助地方政府執行河川污染整治工程推動情形及執行成果之彙整;每月進行淡水河、二仁溪流域及水質淨化現地處理網頁更新維護,並新增3處新完工場址資料於水質淨化現地處理網頁,及配合辦理重點河川相關各項會議、現勘、參訪活動等。
EngTitle The integrated action plan of primary rivers pollution improvement implementation.
EngAbstract This project runs environmental data comprehension and updating, analysis of river water and polluting sources, and estimation of emission at source points on eleven primary rivers in Taiwan (Tamsui River, Nankan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuoshuei River, New Huwei River, Beigang River, Ji-Shuei river, Yanshuei River, Er-Jen River, A-Gung-Dian River, and Love River), then summarizes the promotion of current strategies for pollution control, and tracks and reviews the annual and stage goals of the tasks of pollution control plan. Working with the analytic results of water quality and amount survey in primary river branches, water features and regional environment, the Project also reviews the pollution reduction strategies by modification or new recommendations, and assesses the benefits of water improvement by simulating with water quality models. The related control strategies include construction of sewer systems, implementation of dry-weather sewerage interception facility, promotion of in-situ treatment facilities for water purification, reinforcement of checking and control of polluting sources, reinforcement of counseling in proper treatment of wastewater by dairy industry, and promotion of clean pigsties and assessment of biogas center setup. in order to make the control measures happen, regular meetings on the supervision and coordination in the pollution control plans in the 11 primary rivers are held to bring together the consensus of the relevant authorities to review and modify the pollution control strategy and water improvement goals on a rolling basis. Screening of two river sections with heavy metal pollution is made from the results of historical analysis of water with heavy metals, whereby to draw up strategies for reduction and management of heavy metal pollution. Additionally, the control plan of 18 central-administered rivers is reviewed and tracked for executive results.Project analyzes the tendency of water changes in the nation’s 50 rivers and 11 primary rivers in the recent five years and 2014, and reviews the accomplishment in the yearly goals of vision of Executive Yuan-approved project of rivers “without hypoxia and smell”. Screening of critical water monitoring stations in 11 primary rivers is further made to analyze the polluting sources and the control measures at these stations and to estimate the amount of pollution needing reduction and draw up strategies for pollution reduction, as well as predict the effectiveness of water improvement by using water quality simulation.This project gathers information on the environmental condition, operation and maintenance and benefits of environmental improvement; holds one seminar on operation and maintenance of un-polluting artificial wetlands, while summarizing the promotion of construction and executive results of river pollution control by local governments on EPA subsidies. The web pages of on-site water purification in the basins of Tamsui and Er-Jen Rivers are updated on monthly basis, with additional information on three newly completed sites posted on the website. The project gives cooperation on other activities including meeting on primary rivers, site surveys and visits.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司