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Title 廢氣燃燒塔廢氣組成與熱值相關性之探討
Abstract 本計畫探討廢氣燃燒塔廢氣組成與熱值相關性,以提供行政院環保署環境檢驗所建立調查技術之參考依據。在各類型化合物種中選擇低碳數碳氫化合物為乙烯、高碳數碳氫化合物為二甲苯、含鹵有機物為二氯乙烷、硫化氫或其他及氨等空氣污染物進行實驗。經本計畫之採購標準氣體、材料及實驗裝置等,進行不同的進樣設計,進行一系列實驗:包含單一成分、混和成分及水分干擾實驗等等,驗證所有結果各成分理論熱值相較實測結果差異均在 20%以內。本計畫建置廢氣燃燒塔排氣熱值之即時量測系統,探討量測條件最佳化、適用範圍及干擾。調查數據應符合環檢所所訂品質規範,包括多點校正、準確度、精密度,並評估目前燃燒直測法於國內廢氣燃燒塔熱值量測之可能限制與干擾。探討即時與層析批次等2種線上廢氣燃燒塔排氣熱值量測系統量測結果差異,配合各石化工業區規劃之採樣廠家/製程進行共12場次分析,結果與理論相當,除了1個場次因為異常排放比對結果差異大於10%(-16.8%),其餘11個場次均在±10%以內,差異值均在燃燒直測法之燃燒測值的誤差範圍±20%,探究該場兩者的誤差原因是由於異常排放,層析法各別物種檢量線超出上限造成校正誤差。本計畫同時建立高熱值排氣自動採樣系統,並完成技術擴散工作。基於本計畫的研究技術成果,建議環檢所本直測法可應用於廢氣燃燒塔的熱值量測,提供石化工業產業標準檢測技術,作為環保署訂定標準作業草案之參考及後續管理之工具。建議未來可針對石化製程上、中、下游廢氣燃燒塔的熱值進行調查,以檢討各廢氣燃燒塔是否符合法規與要求,若監測熱值超出法規規範,可以考量本計畫建立之高熱值排氣自動採樣系統,以分析造成高熱值之物種;若現場已安裝GC監測設備,比對結果若熱值差異超出20%,更可探討GC監測設備誤差原因,並建立廢氣燃燒塔廢氣熱值資料庫。
EngTitle Investigation of the relationship between the composition of waste streams in flare stacks and their
EngAbstract This project was to study the relationship between the composition of waste streams in flare stacks and their heating values for EPA establishing the standard method. In this study, ethylene (with low carbon number), xylene (with high carbon number), dichloro ethane (with halogen atom), hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia were selected for a serious of experiments, including individual composition experiments, mixed composition experiments, and moisture interference experiments. Based on our results, the ratios of measured values to their theoretical values were within 0.8~1.2.In addition, the real-time monitor system of heating value was established. The optimal measurement conditions, such as analytical parameters, scopes, and interference, were studied. The data obtained were qualified with the quality specification, including multi-point calibration, accuracy and precision tests.The restriction and interference of this stoichiometric combustion method were also studied. To compare this stoichiometric combustion system with the GC system, 12 field experiments were carried out in petrochemical plants. The ratios of the data obtained from stoichiometric combustion system to GC system were within 0.9-1.1 in 11 field experiments, except to one due to the unusual emission. Furthermore, the auto-sampling system for high heating value emission gases was developed, and the technology diffusion was completed.In summary, this project has established analytical method for heating value in flare stacks using stoichiometric combustion system for EPA to establish the standard operation procedure, and to audit the flare stacks in petrochemical plants. For unusual emissions, the emission gases will be sampled by the auto-sampling system, and further be analyzed to identify species. For the plants using GC system, this stoichiometric combustion system can be used to check the accuracy.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院綠能所