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Title 103-104年度環境保護產品規格標準專案工作計畫(第1年)
Abstract 本計畫主要透過收集國內外標章趨勢,辦理環境保護產品規格標準研修訂等相關工作,以供廠商申請標章產品及推廣,更刺激廠商研發綠色科技及發展前瞻創新產品,並結合獎勵措施,可促進綠色供應鏈及永續商業模式,形塑綠色生活之社會,綜合本計畫成果,參酌工作目標摘述重要結論如下:經收集各國標章制度、綠色採購作法等資訊,完成7篇環保標章相關資訊研析報告。本年度配合環保標章規格標準修訂與新增,完成發光二極體(LED)燈泡、轎車用輪胎、工商業用清潔劑、滅火器、熱泵熱水器、生質柴油、抽油煙機、地毯、再生塑膠薄膜製品、辦公室用桌、辦公室用椅、黏著劑12項新增規格審議會審議通過。油性塗料、貯備型電開水器、面紙、平版印刷業、肌膚毛髮清潔劑、家用清潔劑、重複使用飲料容器、電鍋、電熱水瓶等9項修正規格審議會審議通過。本年度已完成四場廠商申請作業說明會。透過說明會方式詳細說明相關執行規定及廠商如何對應配合。廠商出席情形相當踴躍,執行單位亦現場予以回覆及說明相關提問。本年度參與2014北京GEN年會,並於會議中以「Criteria Development and Assessment of Environmental Benefit of the Green Mark Program」為題提出報告,不但展示我國於環保標章相關領與之技術優勢,同時亦達到經驗與人脈傳承,培養新生代人才之效果。對於後續環保標章制度之建議,包含品質要求項目之檢討、持續辦理各類說明會、持續掌握國際標章趨勢並參與國際組織活動、對外發表國內研究成果、廣納各界規格標準建議項目及開放廠商研擬規格標準提案等。
EngTitle Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria (2014)
EngAbstract This project has been implemented mainly through collecting information regarding domestic and foreign ecolabelling programs’ development trends, and conducting development and revision of green product criteria. The results of this project are expected to facilitate manufacturers’ Green Mark applications and eco-labeled products promotion, as well as encourage manufacturers to further develop green technology and innovative green products. When coupled with proper incentive measures, the Green Mark Program should be able to promote green supply chains and sustainable business models, as well as help with the transition to a green-living society. To this end, the results of past year’s project implementation in reference to project objectives are summarized with conclusions as follows.:Seven informational reports were completed this year after collecting and reviewing information regarding foreign ecolabeling programs and various countries’ green purchasing promotional measures. During 2014, as part of the Green Mark project, multiple product criteria have been newly promulgated or revised. These new criteria include:electric kettles, light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, car tires, commercial and industrial cleaners, fire extinguishers, heat-pump water heaters, bio-diesel, and range hoods, carpet, recycled plastic film products, office desks, office chairs, and adhesives 12 item.These revised criteria include oil-based paints, storage type electric water heaters, facial tissue, offset printing service, hair/body cleaners, household cleaners, reusable beverage containers, rice cookers, electric water pots 9 item.。Four Green Mark seminars dealing with the application process were held this year. The seminar participants were also informed of the changes in newly published or revised requirements, and advices on how to comply with these requirements were also provided. The Green Mark operating organization also answered questions raised by the participants during the seminars. This year EDF attended the GEN AGM held in Beijing, China. EDF then presented the presentation titled "Criteria Development and Assessment of Environmental Benefit of the Green Mark Program" on behalf of the Green Mark Program to the GEN representatives. This presentation showcased Green Mark Program’s technical capability, as well as the status of transition to a new generation of ecolabeling practitioners. This report proposed the following recommendations for future operations of the Green Mark Program include Review of quality requirements in the product criteria, Continue to organize informational seminars, Continue to follow international ecolabelling trends and participate in international activities , Publish results of domestic research in international forums , Consider product category and product criteria proposals from all interested parties.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會