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Title 102年環境教育白皮書編撰專案工作計畫
Abstract 環境教育白皮書為政府的環境教育施政報告書,更是政府和民眾溝通的橋樑。本計畫主要是協助環保署彙整102年度中央主管機關、中央目的事業主管機關及地方政府推行環境教育之成果及亮點項目,並以清晰的主調,以活動照片、統計圖表提升白皮書之可閱讀性、趣味性及豐富性。本計畫共彙整中央主管機關16個處室、中央部會19個部會、地方政府22個縣(市),透過這些資料彙整、文句改寫、重新編排、多次內外審專家審查、修正、精簡版編製、封面設計、美編、電子書編製、光碟印製等歷程,完成102年環境教育白皮書完整版,精簡版紙本各一,電子書光碟一片,以利環境教育執行績效廣為流傳。另外,綜合計畫執行之經驗,提出檢討與建議,供環保署規劃未來工作之參考。
EngTitle Project of environmental education white paper 2013 edit
EngAbstract The Environmental Education White Paper is an official report on environmental education policy of the government, and a bridge between the government and the public. The main purpose of this project is to help the EPA collect the results and highlights of environmental education implemented in 2013 by central competent authorities, central industry authorities, and local governments. Clear themes, activity photos, and statistical charts and tables were used to enhance the readability, interest, and richness of the White Paper. Information of the White Paper was collected from 16 offices in the central competent authority, 19 central ministries, and 22 county/municipal governments. Through information aggregation textual rewritings, rearrangements, numerous internal and external experts reviews, revisions, streamlined version compiling, cover design, layout, and DVD e-book compilation to achieve a full version of the 2013 Environmental Education White Paper and an e-Book DVD for promotion. In addition, based on the experience gained from the project execution, reviews and recommendations were provided as reference for future EPA projects plans
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺中教育大學