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Title 非游離輻射管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要分為「電磁波發射源抽測及資料建檔作業」、「非屬原子能游離輻射管制網站擴充及維護」、「辦理非游離輻射相關宣傳活動」、「協助推動非游離輻射環境預防措施工作」、「維持電磁波生理特徵影響檢驗平臺」、「研擬環境非游離輻射長期監測站設站原則」及「擴充非游離輻射數位教學平臺」七部分。本團隊共完成51站抽測作業。全部抽測的結果將利用本計畫開發的資訊系統,將量測資料建置於資料庫中,並利用這些資料建置地理資訊系統提供民眾便捷查詢資料的方式。於非屬原子能游離輻射管制網站擴充及維護方面,針對兒童版網頁進行擴充更新,另由歷年量測數據製作變電箱、輸配線路、手機基地臺、Wi-Fi發射器等設施之電磁場場強模擬圖像,以利民眾易於理解電磁場場強範圍。今年度完成1場次非游離輻射網站系統操作暨量測實習說明會,並於現場進行相關實習作業;另已完成辦理5場次「環境電磁波(非游離輻射)資訊教育宣傳會」,以增加向民眾宣傳的機會。今年度完成6位自陳電磁波敏感症者之相關檢測試驗。本團隊研訂適用於我國監測環境之儀器規格並擬定長期監測網路運作之分析軟體架構與規格需求。因應非游離輻射長期監測儀器之架設,進行五都會23點次的實地勘查,確認設站原則的適切性,並擬定非游離輻射長期監測標準作業流程規範。另於8月1日召開一場專家諮詢會議,針對長期監測設備與軟體架構、以及長期監測地點的設站原則與作業流程進行檢視與討論,並提供修正的建議。今年度於數位教學平臺上依據環檢所102年8月30日公告「環境中極低頻電場與磁場檢測方法」及102年10月29日公告「環境中射頻電磁波檢測方法」,擴充量測方法課程內容。
EngTitle Non-Ionizing Radiation Management Plan
EngAbstract This project was divided into (1).Electromagnetic emission source sampling tests and data archiving operations; (2).Non-Ionizing Radiation Control website expansion and maintenance.; (3)Organizing promotional activities related to non-ionizing radiation.; (4)Assist in the promotion of non-ionizing radiation environment and preventive measures.; (5)Maintain physical characteristics of electromagnetic waves affect test platform.; (6) Research on Non-Ionizing Radiation proposed long-term environmental monitoring stations set up stations in principle; (7)Expansion of non-ionizing radiation digital teaching platform.” seven parts.Sampling tests at 51 work stations were completed. All sampling results took advantage of the planning and development of information systems. Those measurement data were typed into the database and used to build GIS data.Non-Ionizing Radiation Control website expansion and maintenance included an expanded and updated version of the page general forward children is updated website facilitates a better understanding of the range of electromagnetic field intensity, produced by calendar year data transformation box, transmission and distribution lines and base stations, and Wi-Fi transmitter facilities to electromagnetic field of the image.The non-ionizing radiation measurement website system operating-cum-practice briefing and related work in the field has been completed. In addition, five sessions of, "environmental electromagnetic (non-ionizing radiation) information education and promotion conference" to increase public awareness have been completed.Tests of six people who thought they had electromagnetic hypersensitivity was completed.The specifications of the instrument to monitor the environment, the develop most of software architecture, and specification requirements on the long-term operation of the monitoring network were applied. In response to the erection of long-term non-ionizing radiation monitoring instruments, in 3 locations each in 5 cities for inspection, the stations confirmed the relevance of the principle, to develop long-term monitoring of non-ionizing radiation standard operating procedure specifications.In regards to long-term monitoring equipment and software architecture, an expect consultation meeting was held on August 1, 2014. design principles of long-term monitoring station locations, work processes review and discussion, and revisions of proposals ,the digital teaching platform based on Environmental Analysis Laboratory on August 30 2012"Environment extremely low frequency electric and magnetic field detection method " (NIEA P202.91C), and on October 29, 2012, the announcement "Radio frequency electromagnetic environment detection method "(NIEA P203.91B),was made for expanded expanded measurement methods courses in this year.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 千一科技股份有限公司