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Title 103年度嘉義市移動污染源管制及低污染車輛推廣計畫
Abstract 近年來由於社會人文與產業經濟的高度成長,工商業發展迅速,人貨運輸需求亦日漸殷切,導致機動車輛快速成長,而車輛行駛中所造成的空氣污染也逐漸嚴重;機動車輛的快速成長雖然為人類帶來了許多的便利性,使人類的生活文明得到了快速的發展,但卻也因為數量的急劇增加,產生了許多負面的影響,直接或間接造成空氣品質日益惡化。有鑑於此,行政院環境保護署自民國85年開始配合空氣污染防制費之徵收,訂定相關之移動污染源管制措施,於全國各縣市辦理移動污染源稽查管制計畫。 本計畫截至12月15日止,完成攔(巡)查完成6,426輛次,達成率107.1%;攔檢機車2,082輛次,不合格率為13.1%。未定檢車公函催檢通知合計27,207件,其中退件有1,740件,回覆12,440輛次,回覆率為45.7%;整體車牌辨識通知8,267輛,回覆6,465輛,回覆率為78.2%;並完成定檢通知寄發145,180件,退件率為4.97%。 另共計完成341家次檢驗站查核;標準氣體比對其各站偏差值均在3%範圍內;亦於2月、5月、8月及11月份各進行1次檢驗站分析儀線性查核,大多符合精確性測試允差判定合格。舉辦2場次檢驗站教育訓練,登錄合格人員出席率為100%。 此外共辦理6場次戶外定檢宣導活動,免費檢驗409輛次,有17輛次不合格,不合格率有4.2%。累計目前已完成2,560輛次申請淘汰二行程機車補助。並辦理8場次低污染車輛宣導活動,計吸引5,160人次參觀,有427人次參與電動車試騎。 與嘉義市機車排氣檢驗站(以下簡稱定檢站)、麥當勞餐廳合作辦理「響應機車定檢-蛋捲冰淇淋來『嘉』送您」活動,只要6月1日至6月30日在定檢站完成機車定檢,即可獲得兌換券,憑券至麥當勞餐廳即可換取1支蛋捲冰淇淋,本活動共計發出11,947張兌換券,統計6月份前往定檢站完成機車定檢有12,290輛次,較102年6月份完成定檢數量10,051輛次,增加了2,239輛次,增加率為22.2%。本市配合世界環境日,辦理為期1個月環境月清潔活動,邀請轄區定檢站及麥當勞餐廳,維護周遭環境整潔,共同營造優質生活環境。 民眾檢舉烏賊車機車共629輛,完成初審有543輛,經複審通過為211輛,獎勵金發放率為38.9%。機動車輛原地噪音進行21輛次之檢驗,檢驗結果全部合格。
EngTitle 2014 Chiayi City Mobile Pollution Source Control and Low Pollution Vehicle Promotion Project
EngAbstract The skyrocketing growth of society and economy and rapid development of industry and business in recent year have triggered the increasing demands for passenger and cargo transportation and with it the exploding growth motorized vehicles. However, car driving up and down the streets create serious air pollution. The fast growth of motorized vehicles may bring convenience to human life and facilitate the swift development of human life, but the dramatic increase in the number of vehicles bring many negative effects. The air quality deteriorates every day. For this, the Environmental Protection Administration established mobile pollution source control measures in 1996 to match the levy of air pollution charge. Mobile pollution source auditing and control plans were carried out with full efforts throughout the entire country. Up to December 15, 6,426 vehicles received roadside inspections with an achievement rate of 107.1% for this plan. 2,082 motorcycles were pulled over for inspection and 13.1% of them failed the inspection. 27,207 notices for regular vehicle inspection were issued. 1,740 were returned and 12,440 vehicles reported to the inspection with a reporting rate of 45.7%. 8,267 license plate identification notices were issued and 6,465 were replied with a reply rate of 78.2%. 145,180 notices for regular vehicle inspection were issued and 4.97% of them were rejected. 341 inspection stations were audited. These stations were within the 3% tolerance range for the standard gas comparison. Linear examination on the analysis instrument at the inspection stations was performed in Feb, May, Aug and Nov and most of the stations met the qualification criteria for the accuracy tests. Two sessions of inspection station training was provided and 100% of qualified inspection technicians listed participated. Up to December 15, 6 sessions of outdoor activity were provided for the promotion of regular vehicle inspection. 409 vehicles were tested for free and 17 failed the test with a failure rate of 4.2%. Up to now 2,560 owners have applied for subsidies for the replacement of their motorcycles with 2-stroke engine. 8 sessions of low-pollution vehicle promotion activity were provided and 5,160 people participated. 427 people actually tried the electric motorcycles on display. The plan works with all the motorcycle exhaust inspection stations (the stations) in Chiayi City and McDonalds for the activity of “Root for regular motorcycle inspections – free ice cream for every motorcycle inspected.” For every motorcycle inspected at any of the stations from June 1 to 30, the owner gets a voucher for a free ice cream at any of McDonalds. 11,947 vouchers in total were distributed for this event. The data shows that 12,290 motorcycles arrived at inspection stations for inspection in June. It was an increase of 2,239 or 22.2% compared to 10,051 motorcycles inspected in June 2013. For the International Environment Day, Chiayi City started the Environment Month campaign and invited the motorcycle inspection stations and McDonalds to keep their neighborhoods clean and create an environment of quality life. 629 High-emitting vehicles that were reported by the public and 543 were went through initial inspections. 211 vehicles passed the second inspection and the percentage of incentives was 38.9%. Stationery noise test on motorized vehicles were carried out on 21 vehicles and all of them passed the test.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司